KinderKorner's ** Kid Pictures

TTs Chicks

Loving the herd life
Jan 13, 2009
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N Florida
Wow - poor guy . . . hope he starts eating his hay like a good boy and gets stronger.


Loving the herd life
Oct 23, 2009
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Southern IL
Update on Jacob, or oompa loompa as we call him. (He is tiny and has a very deep voice)

He has been getting red cell everyday, and 2 days ago he got a snotty nose and was rattling inside. Well we lost our other pygmy buck from the same place a couple years ago in 2 days from pneumonia so we went ahead and gave him antibiotics to be on the safe side. We usually don't like to treat if we don't have to, but he is already weak, and didn't want to take the chance. His nose has mostly cleared up, he is doing a little better i'd say. He still has pale eyelids, and he is still thin. But these things take time. He eats his grain with gusto, but he is still being picky about the hay. I have seen him nibbling a little more today and yesterday. So I'm hoping he will start eating again. I'm so glad I noticed him going down hill in time. He's not over the mountain yet, but he is getting there. :celebrate

Only 24 days until kidding starts! I'm so excited. I'm seeing the start of some udders, and saggy bellies. I went out checked a doe we sold a few months ago and gave her CDT and BOSE shots for the lady. The lady was very happy when I noticed her udder building and confirmed she was pregnent. The other doeling we sold her looks great. I regret selling her, as we probably won't be breeding her mother again after this year. She has a great looking topline and build. She has said she love to sell us back a baby or trade though. :weee So I'm more than happy.

More good news. I've went ahead and bought two bred does from a Kinder Breeder in WI. They are half sisters to my nice doe Lily, and my spotted doe Celeste and they are bred to one of the most beautiful and nice looking Kinder Bucks I have ever seen. :drool I'll be getting them mid march, and I can barely wait.

Plus we may be trading some doelings in the summer, I've reserved a spotted baby from the same nice buck.


Here is the mama I reserved a baby out of. She is young here.


He is the buck the does are all bred to as a baby. I'm sure his level topline will be a great improvement to my herd.


Look at this udder!! This is the grandma to both of the does I am getting, and to the spotted doeling above.

All these pictures are not mine, they belong to Prickle Patch Farm. She has some nice looking goats, and it's amazing how closely related our herds are. I have some full siblings to her bucks, some offspring of her does, and other relations. I discovered her while looking for some more goats from my nice lines. The Kinder goat gene pool is pretty small, which I why I am introducing some 1st generations this year.

Here is her website to see more!


Overrun with beasties
Aug 22, 2011
Reaction score
SO JEALOUS!! I want my Kinders to be born. :hit Why must I wait, I want them NOW! I love the spotted baby momma and really love the baby daddy too!! When you start having babies born I am going to go crazy wishing I lived closer and could get some. :p


Loving the herd life
Oct 23, 2009
Reaction score
Southern IL
I know how that is. I'm already going crazy from waiting for babies to be born.

I'm also a little worried after the tragic death of Sara Rabbit. I always get anxious at the start of kidding season, then once a few healthy babies hit the ground I always calm down. But I've never lost a mama until now, so I'm extra worried. But also excited.

It's always a thrill for me to see what comes out. And this year I have 5 FF's due, plus 2 more that will be bred for fall so it's going to be really neat seeing what I get.

:fl Praying for doelings. I've got a huge long waiting list on doelings, and I'd hate to disappoint someone. Including me. :plbb I want does.

I'm looking forward to bringing home my two new does. They should be due right around the time some of my other does are, so it works out great.

If all else fails and I get a huge amount of bucklings, a breeder in WI has already given me rights to any extra doelings I need to fill orders. Which is great. It's always nice having friends in the goat business. :thumbsup


Loving the herd life
Oct 23, 2009
Reaction score
Southern IL
I believe Jacob is finally over the hill. :clap

Yesterday he was actually eating hay with the same gusto as the other goats. He's got a long road to full recovery but he isn't on the verge of death now.

I found 7.5 acres for sale about 20 minutes from me. No restrictions. But it's almost twice our price range. :/ I'll keep looking I guess.

Did I mention it's only 23 days until kidding starts!!

Yay for babies!


Loving the herd life
Oct 23, 2009
Reaction score
Southern IL
Busy day today. Went to bed at midnight, woke up at 6 and went to church at 7. Got home at 12 and spend 2 hours working hard to clean out my silkie pen. A couple came at 2 to look at the silkies. They decided to go ahead and take all of them. There was 9 hens and 7 roosters. For $200. :th That may seem like a lot, but not when I've invested over $1000 into them, these were nice birds from show stock. I paid $150 for ONE of the roosters. Oh well. Some were ratty from outdoor life, and they were just eating food and taking up room. So they had to go. Wish I could have gotten more, but I'm glad I don't have to deal with it anymore.

Now to relax for a few minutes then catch up on homework and go back to work at 6.

Can't wait for babies.


Ridin' The Range
Mar 7, 2011
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Very Southern MI
Stinks that you had to take such a hit. I have found it works that way sometimes. I just take the enjoyment I got out of it and call it even (or if not enjoyment, then the learning experience to never do that again!)

I will be staying tuned for kidding time and baby photos! I am a touch anxious about this year since it is my first year and I have a lot of FFs. But my babies aren't due till April, so untill then I will be watching everyone else and getting more and more excited/anxious :D


Loving the herd life
Oct 23, 2009
Reaction score
Southern IL
Yep. I won't be getting into silkies again any time soon. Even if they were cute, they were way too much work.

Getting rid of the silkies did open up three pens. One of which got filled with brooder chicks 5 minutes later. haha. I think i'll leave the other 2 empty over winter, less pens to water.

I know what you mean about being anxious. I will have at least 9 :ep First Fresheners this year.

And after loosing my biggest and one of my best does this year kidding, I'm a bit nervous.

I'm also excited to see what I get. Hoping for a nice buck and a couple does to keep.

But praying for the best, and for girls. :fl


Loving the herd life
Oct 23, 2009
Reaction score
Southern IL
I thought I would add some pictures of some of the girls.

They aren't very good, the sun was in the worst possible place, and I was in a hurry and they weren't cooperating.

But I figured I needed to put something up.


First up is Meg. She is ugly as a troll. :lol: But don't judge her. She makes beautiful straight babies. All her problems are purely cosmetic from frost bite damage as a baby.


I've never seen her get this big before. Usually you can't even tell she was pregnent. Both times her babies just popped out one day. haha. She has no udder at this point.

Next is Lily. She is a pretty girl with the sweetest face and a good udder that is a dream to milk.


Not the best picture, but you get the idea. I think she was taking a deep breath cause her hip is sticking out, but she is anything but skinny. She has got an udder building.


She has really thick course fur, so does all her babies. I guess she gets it from the pygmy side.


The other one going this month is Angeliese. My loud mouth baby who is so snuggly and adorable. Not to mention she was Jr. Grand Champion at the MO state fair and best doe in the kinder show. :woot She has a great topline, but she is running like a crazy person in this picture. Silly goat.


I love my Angie.

Now for some extra pictures.

Lily's face, with her ears all cocked up.


Lily's baby Jasmine from last year. She is soooo cute. And soo wooly. You can see she has the same trademark face that Lily passes down to all her babies.


Lily's granddaughter Delilah. Same face! It looks like she could be her baby. Same roan coloring too.


Side shot of Delilah. Got to love those ears. :love Thats something her momma passes on. Sorry her butt looks all high in this picture. I had to get what I could take. She wanted her face in every shot.


Thats her big sister in the background. They are a year apart. But they love each other and are best buds. They look incredibly similar although Deilah is more dainty, and Ellie is a huge CHUNK. They aren't full sisters, but very close. They are 75% the same blood-lines or something like that.

I'll have to post a picture of her momma's ears so you can see where she gets it from.