Kodesh Acres - This is my journal about sheep


Loving the herd life
Nov 6, 2024
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Have no idea where I left off. I’ve always sucked at journaling 🤪

We did finish the shelter for Snickers weeks ago. He seems to appreciate it during the rainy days.

Peggy lambed on 2/6/25 around 9pm ( 2 live ewes, 1 dead ewe found the next morning 😞)

Misty lambed on 2/11/25 - 1 ewe lamb, 1 ram lamb.

Random thoughts 💭

Can’t believe Peggy’s lambs are over a week old now.

I really need to weigh everyone again this week.

Man this rain is really messing with our rotational grazing. Everything is so wet and muddy!!!

Need to put a tarp down in the hay shed under the wood pallets to prevent moisture from getting to the hay, it’s very wet and muddy underneath.

We need to add hog wire to the front portion of the property so we can have more spots to rotationally graze the sheep in when we have periods of heavy rain.

Since Peggy and Misty lambed Dottie has become more trusting of us. She comes around more and allows us to give her neck scratches. She should be lambing in April.

Still don’t have a name for Misty’s ewe lamb.

What does it mean when a ewe lamb is mounting all the other lambs? Is this normal playful behavior?




Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Had that happen yesterday. DS1 put the sheep up and did the normal amb chasing - big game for them to run all over instead of going into the barn.

As he was locking the gate in noticed 2 lambs running back and forth along the wire fence between the yard and the front field. How did that happen?! I went in to chase them back over. They couldn't find the open gate and kept trying to climb through the small fence openings. :rolleyes: Finally got them through the gate. Then I noticed another lamb calmly grazing about 20' in the other direction. I walked over to chivy it into the yard and a couple more were behind a tree! No idea how they got in there since the gates were closed and no ewes had been in there. And of course, once in they couldn't remember how it happened to find their way back out!

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