Lab/Great Dane Puppy!


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
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East Texas
Awwww...…..(digs toe in dirt)…..thank you @Finnie, that is sweet of you. Yes, I joined BYC first, mostly hanging out on the predator and coop threads to start with, to learn what to do and what not to do. I built a strong coop, got 2 hens and it took off from there. Chickens. The "gateway" farm animal. LOL LOL

Well, since you are here, you might as well tell us a little about yourself. Lots of people make journals, I don't. I prefer to start a new thread for each new topic. It makes it easier for people to find topics that suit their interest or needs, rather than buried in hundreds of pages of journals. @Nifty once posted, asking us to craft our thread titles with key words that would show up in searches, bringing new people to the sites, so I do. It must work, that is how @Senile_Texas_Aggie found BYH and joined. LOL

Dogs capture our hearts and wring our hearts like a dishrag when they leave us. And there we are, hearts shriveled up, grieving, and lo and behold! Here comes another dog to fill our hearts with joy again. There are those special dogs that never leave the hallowed memories of times gone past and Parker is one of those. Even with Carson, we still grieve for Parker. We are blessed to have had God's gift in the form of a big black dog with a heart bigger than Dallas.

Carson is on his dog bed playing with his squeaky pig. He is young and has a long life ahead, full of joy and love. Dogs give us much more than they receive. No matter how we try, we can never match their love for us.


Herd Master
Jun 3, 2018
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western Arkansas
Miss @Finnie,

Miss @Baymule is right about her helping me to join. I had never heard of BYH or any of its siblings. I was looking for info on pastures -- how to manage them, etc. -- and among the links it provided was one to Miss @Baymule's thread titled "I Hate Green Briars"! I started reading that and howled with laughter. My Beautiful Gal and I had just experienced that, having cut down all of the green briars that had overgrown around the gate on the farm we had recently bought. So it is because of Miss @Baymule that I joined BYH.

Senile Texas Aggie


Herd Master
May 6, 2017
Reaction score
Hamilton County, north of Indianapolis
Dogs give us much more than they receive. No matter how we try, we can never match their love for us.
Amen to that!

Miss @Finnie,

Miss @Baymule is right about her helping me to join. I had never heard of BYH or any of its siblings. I was looking for info on pastures -- how to manage them, etc. -- and among the links it provided was one to Miss @Baymule's thread titled "I Hate Green Briars"! I started reading that and howled with laughter. My Beautiful Gal and I had just experienced that, having cut down all of the green briars that had overgrown around the gate on the farm we had recently bought. So it is because of Miss @Baymule that I joined BYH.

Senile Texas Aggie
Actually, Mr. STA, I remember you joining and giving that as the reason. And it was you talking about "stalking" people that got me to look up Baymule's information page and look for threads she started. (Because she has no farm journal. Plus I wanted to read the famous Greenbrier thread. ;) )I have spent the last year and 3/4s reading different people's journals from start to finish. Reading on BYH is my substitute for watching television. But like a TV show, its full of regular characters that as a "viewer", one becomes familiar with. So you all are basically my celebrities. :D

Oh- and Mr. @Senile_Texas_Aggie , yesterday I learned a random fact while I was reading a collie book that made me think of you! (One of my 3 dogs is a collie, so I read everything I can find about them.) I don't follow sports, so I never knew that the mascot of Texas A&M is a collie named Reveille. That's just really cool!


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I have a great story for y'all. Carson has been coming into his own, growing up and becoming a good farm dog. When he was younger, the other dogs would bark and run towards danger, Carson would bark over his shoulder as he ran towards the house. Gradually he gained confidence and joined Paris and Trip running up and down the fence line barking at trucks and other elements of danger.

We went out of town for Christmas, we left Christmas eve morning and came back the day after Christmas. Our neighbor Robert was taking care of the animals. At 8:30 Christmas Eve, Neighbor Jimmy called me and said that our dogs were going nuts, he walked over to the fence, didn't see anything. His home and 2 acres backs up to our fence. I thanked him for watching out for us while we were gone. I called Neighbor Ron and asked if his dogs were barking and upset. He said no, and promised to watch out for us while we were gone. Around 10 that night, Neighbor Robert heard our dogs raising a ruckus and drove over to our house. All the dogs were upset, but he didn't see anything. He told me this the next day, Christmas. Sentry the puppy was in Pasture #1 and could go in a section of the barn. Trip and Paris had the run of the back yard, side pasture and could go up to the back of the sheep barn. Carson had the run of the front yard, about an acre, fenced. Even though none of the dogs were in the barn with the sheep, they were on all sides of the barn.

Neighbor Ron called Christmas morning to tell me that at 1:00 AM our dogs were barking like mad, so he got up and drove up to our gate and walked inside. Carson had bayed a bobcat up against the stock trailer! As Ron walked up the driveway, Carson turned his head towards Ron and the bobcat took off. We had a one week old lamb that would have made the bobcat a nice meal. Ron looked around to make sure that everything was ok. He said that Carson acted like he didn't want him on our property (and normally they are friends) so he kept his distance while he checked things out, then left.

So it seems the bobcat was on our place the first time the dogs made a lot of noise, when Jimmy walked to the fence, the bobcat ran off. Likewise when Robert came over to see what was wrong, the bobcat saw him and left. When Ron came over, Carson had the bobcat bayed and Ron saw it.

We are grateful to our good neighbors for looking out for us while we were gone. We are proud of our dogs for keeping the bobcat away from the sheep. We are impressed beyond words with Carson and how he patrolled the yard and stopped the bobcat. Our puppy has grown up. He ain't a scaredy baby any more!

Ron Bequeath

Ridin' The Range
May 8, 2017
Reaction score
Since Parker died, we have been missing him so much. A dear friend in New York graciously offered us a Golden Retriever puppy, but my husband desperately wanted a Lab, and only a black Lab. so my friend offered one of his Cavalier puppies and I was thrilled to accept. Our Aussie, Polly, died in my arms last summer and she was my girl. She took every step I did. She loved me fiercely and her going left a hole in my heart.

BJ was happy for me, but still wanted a Lab. Unknown to him, I joined 6 Facebook groups, followed 3 County pound Facebook sites and haunted Craigslist nightly. All kinds of mixes, crossed with everything but a skunk. Gheesh people! Haven’t you ever heard of spay and neuter?

Last week I did a Lab search on Craigslist and an ad popped up. I nearly fell out of my decorating mistake recliner. It was an ad for Lab/Great Dane puppies! And they were black, just like Parker! I showed it to BJ and he got so excited, then started tearing up thinking about Parker, which both of us still do.

I contacted the lady and we went two days later and got one. Both parents were on site and loved members of the family. It was a “oops” spay and neuter soon to follow.

His name is Carson. BJ is thrilled.




Carson is learning his name, sit, come, hungry, water and house training. We walk him on a leash, there is so much to get into and he doesn’t yet understand that COME is nonnegotiable. LOL

Trip is treating him like a annoying little brother.


This is Carson's parents.


We have a large dog crate or kennel where Carson goes when we go to bed or leave. He will just go in it and hang out or take a nap. He has several toys, but his favorite is one of BJ's knotted socks. He howls in the morning anywhere from 4 AM to 6AM to go outside NOW! He's getting better on that and mostly sleeps until 6. He has had a few accidents, but is learning.

I take him and Trip to a pasture that is mostly wooded, about an acre and take the leash off so he can run and play. Carson follows Trip like an adoring pesky little brother. He is wary of the chickens, the horses are big scary monsters, and the pig is something to stay far away from. I take him on the leash with me to feed in the mornings and evenings. At the vet a few days ago, he weighed 21 pounds, his birthday is 7-7-18 and he has a lot of growing to go.

My husband is one happy man.
I do know what you mean about aussies though, I raise them and am starting to get heard of. 5 of my next litter are already spoken for and won't have a litter til have 8 on the barrelhead. The problem I have is people always tell me that docking isn't right but if you have ever seen a dog with a bent tail, infected, or stepped on and broken by a 800 lb. cow. You might understand. I hope I'm not start something but I can't see neutering and spaying if raising organic animals like plants. They have the right to be intact. It's all in the control. Female in heat, dad's in the kennel and mom workes outside with me or vice versa and ya she or he doesn't get out of my sight. I only have had litters when I need then. My 3 girls and one boy are under my control, I'm the master. Yes and these dogs work and play and have a great time. Last spring they brought in 109+ groundhogs, 3 oppussum, one raccoon, and a skunk, herd the stock and play rough and tumble while I'm on my 45 min walk. But I'm the master. Hope I didn't ruffle any feathers. I like you all but yes we all have our particular ideas.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
@Ron Bequeath you don't ruffle my feathers at all. I am in favor of spay and neuter because people in general are stupid and irresponsible with their pets, letting them breed and making mutts. You have breeding stock, Purebred dogs that are valuable and your puppies are in demand. That is a whole different story than a pit bull crossed with a border collie/ beagle mix.

I had a litter of Aussies one time and yes, I cut their tails at 3 days old for the reasons you listed.