Lab/Great Dane Puppy!


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I haven’t posted many pictures of Carson, so here’s a photo bonanza!

He’s so big, that I buy large bath towels and lay on the floor for him. MUCH easier to wash! He gets a clean towel once or twice a week.


Riding in the truck


Carson begged to ride with me on the tractor, but there was no room!


Then he laid his head on my leg, that’s when he really is “asking”!


Sharing his towel bed with a lamb


He’s always up in whatever I’m doing.


Get off BYH and pet me!


I finally convinced him to ride in the mule with me.




Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
When our old Labrador Danny died, BJ was devastated. He said he didn’t want another dog, it hurt too bad to lose a dog he loved so much. DD and DSIL went to the animal shelter and adopted a big black puppy they said was a Labrador and surprised him with the puppy. He was in love all over again. We named him Parker. Parker kept growing, well past the size of a Labrador. We studied pictures of Lab crosses with large breeds and concluded that Parker was a Labrador and Great Dane mix. Parker intertwined himself into the fabric of our lives. He was a fabulous dog. He regaled us with his adventures and we loved him fiercely. At age 7, he got cancer and he was put down. We were heartbroken.

BJ wanted another dog, but ONLY a Labrador and Great Dane cross and ONLY a black one. For months I searched for a puppy. I checked shelters, county dog pounds, and all kinds of internet dog sites. One night on Craigslist, there was an ad for Labrador and Great Dane puppies and they were black! I emailed and got an immediate response. They were only an hour away! We went several days later and BJ picked out his puppy. We named him Carson. It was an oops litter between a yellow Labrador female and a blue Merle male Great Dane.

I love love love Labradors. Crossed with a Great Dane, it seems to bring out the best of both breeds and you get a giant, goofy, loving, dog that lives to make you happy. Everyone loves Carson, especially children and he loves them right back. In another post, @Ridgetop called him my Velcro dog, and she is so right! He adores me and loves nothing more than to be doing everything I do. He’s a fantastic friend.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
It’s our first cold rainy day. Just a miserable drizzling, cold (to me) gray day. Carson got to nudging me, first over the arm of my recliner, then he walked around and laid his head in my lap. He does this when he wants outside or if it is time to eat. It’s getting close to feeding time, sometimes he tries to move the time up. But maybe he needed to go potty.

I asked if he wanted to go outside. I went to the door, opened it and turned around. No Carson. Gone. Hiding. 😁 I called him, saying outside. He came slinking out of the hallway, trying to sneak to the kitchen with the look of a severely punished dog on his face. Like he could crouch down, I wouldn’t see his big ol’ self and he could go hide in the kitchen. Oh! That funny dog!

I shut the door, laughing and he came to me, relief all over his face. Hilarious.

He’s been tormented all day with smells of chicken in the crockpot. I’ve deboned it, chopped it and put it back in the crockpot with chopped carrots. I turned it off to let it cool, it’s dog chicken. The dogs will get spoons of chicken, carrots and broth over their kibble, for this week.

Guess I’ll feed this poor mistreated dog and the Anatolians now.