Loving the herd life
I'm so glad you're getting sleep when you can! Sleeping is more important than the visit (they mainly wanna see the babe anyways!) so use those opportunities.I have been setting my alarm to pump every 3 hours or so because the little stinker won't latch properly. So not much sleep happening.
This evening MIL came over so I took a nap since I had pumped extra I wasn't needed to feed. My brother and his fiance, plus my dad also visited. I overslept that alarm by an hour and a half.
Re: poor latch... have you seen an IBCLC? Has he been checked for tongue and lip tie? Do you know to offer the nipple to his nose, so he has to reach WAY up, thus opening his mouth and getting a better latch? (I went through difficulties with my youngest & latching. I feel your pain. If you need resources or anything... lmk!)