Larsen Poultry Ranch - homesteading journey

Larsen Poultry Ranch

Herd Master
May 20, 2019
Reaction score
Auburn, CA
Hubby getting antsy/excited for the garage but we still have to come to an agreement on how big and layout. I think we can get that figured out this week, and then figure out how much it's going to cost.

I really want to stop doing so much on credit and do the Dave Ramsey method to get all our stuff paid off and owned outright. I have a credit card I normally pay off each month, and it's hard for me to think of using the debit card instead of the credit card, but I think being stuck at home with baby will help. Less chance of shopping if I'm not going to the store. Need to disconnect it from Amazon though, that's where the convenience of just click a few buttons and it'll show up at your house will really get you.

Hubby has a credit card balance that I think if we can budget and stop eating out, we can pay off by the end of the year. Then we can attack his truck balance. My car is fully paid off and I plan to use it till it dies. I love my little car, and the car seat fits well in it. I could definitely fit two car seats, so it should work for the next 2-3 years at least before space might become an issue. I almost feel like we should look at selling his truck and getting something cheaper, but he really loves that truck and he had a custom lumber rack installed.

Larsen Poultry Ranch

Herd Master
May 20, 2019
Reaction score
Auburn, CA
Had to stop the above post as hubby and munchkin came back from his procedure, he did well and didn't cry. It helped I got him milk drunk before.

We talked about our debt and possibly replacing the truck on our way home and hubby was definitely on board for the credit card balance attack and somewhat on board for the truck. He definitely needs a truck as he uses it all the time, but he was open to looking for something less expensive and apparently the rack isn't permanently attached, so it should fit any other F150. I pointed out looking for one with an extended cab would be smart, as right now the car seat makes the passenger seat really scrunched up far forward. He really doesn't want to buy private party as he wants some kind of warranty, low mileage, and low maintenance/issue truck. I used to work at Enterprise and still know one of the sales guys, so maybe we can ask them to keep an eye out for a truck and we could potentially do a trade in.

Mike CHS

Herd Master
Mar 18, 2013
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Southern Middle TN
Truck prices are seriously silly for the last couple of years. I have always bought vehicles that were 2-3 years old because they depreciate so fast that first year but when we were looking for a truck last year, we wound up buying a new one because the used ones cost the same.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I worked at a Ford dealership, selling cars. While there I bought my husband a 2004 F250 Lariat diesel crew cab truck and surprised him with it. I got it at invoice, dealer got the hold back, but it saved us thousands off the window sticker, I'm thinking about $8 thousand. Then Ford ran a 72 hour no interest sale and we didn't have to pay interest. I'm driving that truck now.

My DD and DSIL got Dave Ramsey books and studied them. It is a good system. They will buy a vehicle on credit but always pay off early. They saved money during their 1 1/2 years in Odessa and are now using that to fix up their house in Corpus Christi. Built in 1950 of poured concrete, it needs new septic system $$$$$, new breaker box and some wiring $$$$$, new plumbing-the pipes going to the septic are clay pipes made in sections $$$$, and the flat roof leaks ? don't know on that one yet. LOL They bought it for 2-3 hundred thousand LESS than surrounding properties and will spend a fraction of that to get it up to code and fixed up. So while all is chaos and confusion now, in a couple of years they will have a nice house on 1 1/2 acres, in one of the best neighborhoods in town, worth waaaaay more than what they paid for it.


Herd Master
Apr 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fort Worth, TX area
Dave Ramsey method and book is great to help switch mindset. Be advised he's Christian and that is mentioned / quoted VERY often in the book. As a non-Christian it pushed my tolerance limits but the info was good.

Another good tool is "You Need A Budget" which has website and videos to go with software. It is an envelope system that pairs well with Ramsey philosophy to get debt free.

Larsen Poultry Ranch

Herd Master
May 20, 2019
Reaction score
Auburn, CA
Munchkin is almost back up to his birth weight! He's eating well and is such an awesome baby. Doing better overnight, only getting up two times after going to bed around midnight now. Going to try to transition that to going to bed earlier and getting up 3 times instead.

Larsen Poultry Ranch

Herd Master
May 20, 2019
Reaction score
Auburn, CA
I think the jaundice is pretty much gone, he doesn't look yellow to me anymore. He's still putting on weight I think and is starting to look more chunky. His umbilical cord fell off too, so now he has a little belly button and we can give him a bath.

I over did it on Monday, we went by my work to show off the little guy then to two different stores. Hubby had insisted on bringing the stroller so he pushed the stroller and I pushed the cart through each store. I was definitely leaning on it by the end, and tried to stay sitting most of the time after we got home. Took a relaxing day yesterday and going to try to do some light stuff around the house today.

FIL has been super worried about their workload since hubby was trying to get 2 weeks off work and they have several large projects in addition to the normal on call/maintenance they do. He didn't work at all last week but is now working today and tomorrow. At least me being up for the little one means I can wake hubby up on time for work.

It's been super windy here the past few days, pushing random stuff all over the property outside. The shelter for the rabbits ended up moving several feet. I had hubby help me move it back in place last night. It's going to be so pleasant getting a dedicated bunny barn. Hubby found a listing for concrete blocks for $1 each, which I think is a good deal. Hubby doesn't really want to buy it at this time though. I think we need to get the garage and barn plans nailed down on paper so we can plan for purchasing the materials and get that started.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Buy and store any deals like that NOW.... it is going to get worse, the inflation is going to go up and you are going to pay through the a$$ IF you can find stuff... Whether the plans are finalized, they sure AREN'T GOING TO GO BAD, sitting there waiting to make the final decisions.... You might not be able to afford them down the road....