Larsen Poultry Ranch - homesteading journey

Larsen Poultry Ranch

Herd Master
May 20, 2019
Reaction score
Auburn, CA
A knife. A cherry pitter might work. Being a driver variety, might be more of a dry area pit, like some peaches 🤷. I just BUY prunes.
They are harder to find than I'd like. I'm probably going to the wrong stores. If the world collapses I will be able to make my own prunes, in 3+ years. Hopefully it won't collapse until I'm better at canning and protecting the garden from the deer.

Larsen Poultry Ranch

Herd Master
May 20, 2019
Reaction score
Auburn, CA
I think you're safe -- except maybe the deer share part! 🤣sneaky rascals.
Ah, but if the world collapses then I can shoot the deer since there won't be anyone to enforce the hunting laws. Not all the deer, just keep the freezer stocked and teach them not to mess with my trees.

I have also heard that running goats or sheep in a field will deter most deer as well. That might be an easier route than having the world end. Although I'd have to prevent the goats/sheep from accessing the trees..

Larsen Poultry Ranch

Herd Master
May 20, 2019
Reaction score
Auburn, CA
Talked with hubby about fence for around orchard, he wants 5 foot. I told him we need 6 foot to help keep the deer out. He was not happy. Would have to buy different fencing, the roll we already bought (at least a year ago, and procrastinated) is 5 foot. Told him we should be able to use that for the animal pens no problem, but I want a taller fence for the orchard. Not going to happen anytime soon. At least we have the hoops around the trees now.

We moved the non-mobile chicken mobiles out of the future garden area to be next to the chicken aviary. Maybe we can actually move them weekly now so the chickens get fresh grazing. I have to hand pick greens for the chickens in the aviary. The cull rooster bit me when I was transporting him, definitely on the **** list now, but we are probably going to be too tired to butcher him as he deserves today.

Hubby removed a stump and flattened out the future garden zone, it's starting to look really nice now. Unfortunately he also completely ran over/disregarded the poor apple tree that the deer chomped all last year. I had wanted to keep it because it was coming back from the rootstock, so I was hoping to transplant it and graft it next year. I found it after much searching and while it looks pretty flattened, there's a chance it could come back. It's going to go into a pot and I'll try to revive it.

We moved the split firewood that has been sitting out front, and munchkin really enjoyed helping his daddy drive the tractor with the bucket full of firewood. He was quite upset when they climbed down and the tractor was turned off between runs, and carefully threw himself down for a tantrum on the gravel driveway. He stopped when it was apparent we were ignoring the tantrum. We encouraged him to help throw sticks into the bucket and while his aim sucks, he actually got a few in the bucket.

After we moved all the split firewood we started using the splitter and he helped me push and pull the lever while dad put the rounds in place. He lasted for several tractor bucket loads before starting to get cranky and I took him inside for some milk and he's actually taking a second nap! Now we are waiting for him to wake up so we can run to town to grab some supplies.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Suggestion on the orchard fence if you don't want to go 6 ft which the woven wire is alot more expensive... go 5 ft AND use taller posts and run a strand of electric around the top above the fence... will also help with discouraging any raccoons or anything from trying to climb over... That is what I am seriously looking at...