Herd Master
This is from my Ball Canning book --- (and no coconut!)
No loss therepeanut m&Ms just didn't taste right
JUST the tips? That seems weird. Maybe a game camera out there to verify it is deer?Apparently deer like tomato greens, they've been chomping the tips off the sun gold tomato. Grr.
If you can borrow the church kitchen so everyone has plenty of space, it may work better. Not many people have enough space for a "canning party" or lessons. Not to mention stove space for doing jam, making the syrup for fruit, or brine for pickles.I think if we have a party where everyone helps we can all learn and get more confident in our skills.
Poor DH. Tell him Ridgetop's DH will share his pain if something eats his sweet babies..I'm pretty sure the deer, or perhaps the wild rabbits/ground squirrels are slowly eating all his corn plants but I warned him that would happen if he planted along the driveway. He says it's a learning experience and he's going to get more corn seeds for next year.