Herd Master
I would tell him to come to CA and help with a dairy but if he dislikes CO he would hate CA so I know that isn't going to happen. There is land for sale to the left of me and to the right of me.
Oh, and as an aside, since the VA is a govt organization, there is no consistency and they approve a loan for one person with a certain condition, and disapprove another with the same... again,![]()
@Latestarter, let's chat suitable and safe shooting ranged on a piece of property. You may luck into a piece that has a nice hill that is conveniently situated so you don't have the sun in your eyes, or you may luck out and find a natural hollow on the property that would act as your backstop.
Or you could do what we did which was build our own berm. We wanted a second stock tank anyway and at the time knew someone who did very heavy construction so voila, as they say. The gentleman came out with one of his company's bulldozers and made a 14' tall crescent shaped berm with what he dug out for the tank. Works real well for the rifle and shotgun range. My DH even has a 100 yard position set up that backstops at the berm.
I applaud you for being a responsible shooter and keeping shooting safety in mind. A rifle range is much better with a substantial dirt backstop, but a little out of the box brainstorming is always good. When we start thinking about a new project we start out with what we want with all the possible goodies we would ever want or image and then beat that against what we CAN do and what we would need someone to do. The day you stop dreaming my man is the day you start to die.