Hens and Roos
Herd Master
Thanks again everyone for the positive thoughts and well wishes. OK, daughter was held hostage until the neurologist could get by to see her. Finally happened around 4-4:30. She is now on another med in addition to what she was on before. No idea what or why or intended purpose.You know docs today... "give em another pill". So I took her by her place and escorted her up to her apt to get her stuff and as you can see, we are now home. She'll be with me for the next 4 days. Her dog was pretty happy to see her. Gotta figure something for dinner... Thinking kielbasa and mac & cheese... We did swing in and get a spicy chicken sandwich from mickey "D"s on the way home... we were both hungry, but that won't cut it for dinner. I am officially tired.
We've learned to ask lots of questions of the doctors/hospital/rehab on all matters pertaining to my dad(he doesn't remember the information given to him) and the medications they are having him take to control his seizures. My DH is awesome in making sure my mom understands since she has to make health decisions for my dad.