Latestarter's ramblings/musings/gripes and grumbles.

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Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
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NW Vermont
Oh man Joe! Cross purposes for sure, she needs to be in town and you want to be as far away as possible. I assume her doctors have tried various anti seizure drugs. My wife did well on Tegretol. She's been off it for a couple of years, I guess maybe menopause shut down the epilepsy???

I know, marry her off, then she will have a loving husband who will be there to take care of her and you can move to the sticks :D =D


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
Thanks everyone. I don't know if this was the right place to spew... Maybe I should journal (privately?) or something... But the feedback is nice and sometimes you just need to get it out. Bruce, when diagnosed at 4 years old, she was put on tegretol... worked so-so for many years till a future doc determined that her epilepsy (being general, non specific with no precursors), tegretol shouldn't work on and was the wrong drug (pre puberty to puberty). So they changed meds. This has continued over 30+ years and there has yet to be a med or combo that will completely control her seizures. As a late teen early 20s young lady, she went over a year with no seizures so we got her a car and she was thrilled... Until she had a seizure behind the wheel and went head on into a boulder. Better than the alternative at the time... over a "cliff" and down into a residential area. So no more driving... at all... unless it's a life or death sit for someone else and she's the only possibility to save them. Anyway...

The reason she wanted to go to Maine was to be near her Grandfather (mom's side) who is in his late 70s now. Her GM died from Alzheimers 4-5 years ago. When she was born to her single mom, they lived with her GPs for her first 4 years and her GF is very special to her. When she discussed these plans with me I pointed out that where she would be going there is virtually no jobs, no public transportation, and she knows the support she'd be able to get from her mom. Her aunts have their own issues that she really does NOT want to get entangled in... nuff said there. Her GF has a new live-in girlfriend (that my daughter likes very much) now spends 1/2 the year in Maine and the other 1/2 in FL. He won't be able to, and shouldn't be asked/expected to "be there" for her like she would need, and is getting older... everyone knows how that story always ends... I know she loves him and misses him. The other alternative would be for her to live in one of the decent sized cities there where she could hopefully be close to a workplace, (Portland/Bangor/Augusta) but then she'd be out of reach of the family she's going there to be near. Anyway, reason I think ruled and she changed her plans. She just resigned her lease for another year. Now that she's actually had a seizure at work, I wonder if her ongoing employment there is compromised...

So... what options am I left with? I can go ahead and move and let her be an "adult" and fend for herself... she's going to have to at some point... we all know how my story is going to end as well. I can stay here (gonna have to find another job, at least part time for the $$... man I do NOT want to do that) and put off any "farm animal" plans for a few more years. Or I can move to a place that will work for me, but is close enough to civilization that she can follow and still have me as a support base if/when needed. I know there's a "master plan" at work for me here... Just wish I knew what it was. And another day begins.


Herd Master
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
Anderson, CA
That is a tough situation to be in and you are a good dad to take her needs into account. Most of us get to "outgrow" our kids, we moved when the boys went off to college on their own. But there is always those special ones that need their parents for as long as possible.

I think that the last plan sounds feasible, move and let her follow, but that does depend on what she does for work and if she would be able to find a job considering her circumstances. I will pray for you that you find the "Master('s) Plan"
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