Latestarter's ramblings/musings/gripes and grumbles.

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Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
Reaction score
NE Texas
<sigh> So one of the reasons I've procrastinated on putting this place on the market after the two cash purchases fell through is because my daughter changed her plans... She is epileptic and can't drive. She lives in an apt within walking distance (1.5 miles) of her job and is pretty much on her own. Sometimes I help her, but she is completely independent... until she has a seizure. Then I get the call and help her as best I can. She lives ~40 minutes from me. She had told me she was planning to quit her job and move to Maine this summer (July actually) to be closer to her mom's side of the family. That's when I decided to sell and move. Then those plans changed and she decided to stay here, employed, for the insurance, and other things. So I felt/feel bad about moving from here and abandoning her (like her bio father did when she was born, & her mom did all those years ago) and leaving her here with no support.

Well, I get a call this evening ~6pm that she had been taken by ambulance to the hospital because she had a seizure at work. Her regular supervisor had worked the early shift and wasn't there to do what should have been done: make her comfortable, call me and I'd come get her. So I call the ER, and talk to her, she's come out of it by now and I ask does she want me to come get her (the ER is actually closer to her apt than her job). of course she says yes, so I do. I take her home, then come back home myself. I just sit down at the computer and get a text from her that she had another seizure... while walking her dog, and is back in the ER. She tells me that the door was unlocked and the EMT brought her dog home for her. The paramedics put her dog in her apt (and locked it but kept the keys rather than giving them to my daughter :he). So I try the spare I had and it doesn't work, and her apt door is locked. I asked her did she have her keys, she said no. I asked how could the dog get into her apt and the door get locked but she doesn't have her keys...Also, the dog never barked while I was trying to unlock the door... not normal at all.

I get to the hospital, she's now been admitted overnight, and she doesn't have the keys. They've checked the ER and they're not there. So the nurse calls the EMT supervisor at the ambulance company and sure enough, they have her keys. So I drive from the hospital to the fire station to get the keys, go get her dog, then bring the dog home with me. The dog was so freaked/stressed out that he never barked when I tried the door, either time, & ran from me when I went in the apt. That is a complete 180 to how he normally is if he can tell that I've even been near the place (he can sense/smell me or something). Anyway, once he finally stayed still long enough to recognize my voice and smell, he was one tremendously happy pooch.

So both daughter and dog have been rescued... My daughter fell on her face, broke her nose and has some pretty red/purple bruising on her nose, chin, around her mouth, contusions on her forehead, ruined glasses, and a 2nd ambulance/ER and now hospital bill to fight with the insurance company over. They should release her tomorrow and I told her to tell her boss she'll need the rest of the week off. I'll pick her up and she and her dog can stay with me for a few days to help her heal up and relax. A father's responsibility to his kids is never done... I question whether I should sell and move :( Life goes on.
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