Latestarter's ramblings/musings/gripes and grumbles.

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Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
Well, I ran out of frootloops, and didn't want to waste my precious Cap'n crunch :hide :gig I mean it is a grain after all, just "puffed" and sweetened :) It's the large bag of generic from the bagged cereal @ wally world. Malto Meal I think... The Cap'n Crunch isn't generic... just sayin...

I like them in a bowl with milk too, but I thought trying to give it to the goats with milk on it would make a heck of a mess. And feeding them with a spoon? just not happening! :duc:lol: You ought to give it a try Bruce... You never know! Might be the item that breaks their will and befriends them finally.

So I scoop up a handfull and try to get it under their mouths so they don't try to rip off my fingers snarfing it down. They move the fence a good 2 feet pushing on it to get to the cereal. They get those gums to flapping open and shut pretty danged fast! It's funny when they want to eat the cereal but also want to butt heads with the head that's through the next hole over to try and keep it from reaching the cereal first. It's a challenge to try and get it positioned so only one can get it and alternate between them. You should try it with your sheep Bay... it's positively comical. Maybe tomorrow I'll sacrifice some of my Cap'n Crunch and see how they like that... corn/oats and caramel... Hmmm ;)

So no new kids yet. Supposed to get more rain tomorrow into the overnight... 70% chance. Maybe tomorrow she'll let them out. I sat out in the pen for a while this evening while they ate their grain. CB finally came up and stood so I could scratch behind her head and on her neck. :love I've picked her up and held her a few times but she doesn't come up to me looking for that. Once I catch her up she is nice and quiet and not frantic at all. I've held the boy a couple times and the same happens with him but he doesn't come as near me and is much more leery. I don't think he likes being held as much... That's fine.

Was really tired today what with lack of sleep last night then 4 hours of driving and fasting. Didn't feel like cooking so aside from Wendy's for a double stack and one of their new country style breaded chicken sandwiches for lunch, I went out for Chinese buffet tonight. filled the hole... Not as good as the previous visit. Getting older and my tastes are changing I think. Many things I used to really like just don't taste as good anymore.

Gonna really try hard to get some fence posts planted tomorrow before the rain gets here. I have to get back on that before the real summer heat and humidity strikes. No word from the mower repair shop... need to contact them tomorrow as well.

Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
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North Carolina
Your gonna need to really start working with the kids or they will not get better and you may end up with skitzy goats and that is not a lamancha... seen far too many kids not handled ( all breeds) and they are in the end a real PIA.
Have you tried checking ligs on Dot? (she is the one due right?)
How is her rump angle?

Captain Crunch! :gig:gig:gig Man that stuff tears all the skin off your mouth... I swear it didn't do that when I was a kid! :hide Sorry but I still love cereal late at night usually once a month.
Love the puffed cereal. That is a hoot! Mine like Sour cream and onion potato chips, doritoes, cheeze its and most of all cheese puffs! :lol: This is rare not an everday occurrence.:D

I hope this helps the girls warm up to you.


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
Best laid plans... So yeah, no fence post planting today. It's already raining and forecast to be off and on heavy w/threat of all the bad stuff that goes along with it. Way it looks, the really dangerous stuff should stay south and east of me.

No Dip N' Dot kids yet. I've felt for ligs and I can't find them... Haven't been able to for over a week. I think she's a one of a kind goat who doesn't own any. Rump angle hasn't changed but she's really hollowed out and dropped. Udder is still about 1/2 size of what I'd expect when full. She's really full down vice out to the side, so I don't even know what to expect as far as number of kids. Really hoping she's carrying 2 in there and sure hope if so that at least 1 is a doe. Heard some bleating out there in the shelter a bit ago and looked out and she was standing there shaking her tail... Don't know if it was her bleating. I'll be checking on her regularly going forward.

I do go in the pen with them minimum of twice a day and stay with them while they eat. Most days I also bring them down an afternoon snack as well. Dot comes up to me for light back & side scratches. Bang sometimes comes up for a touch and doesn't really fight when I have her by the collar. She leads OK. April has settled down some but still freaks out if I move unexpectedly or fast or toward her. But If I'm still, she'll come close to me as well. The kids are a real trip. They're running and jumping/flying all over the place now. CB comes up and nibbles my pants leg and likes to lick my legs if I'm wearing shorts (showing off those old, fat, ugly, hairy legs :oops:) I'll try to spend more time down there with them.

Cap'n crunch and damage to soft mouth tissue... Really! No kidding, right? Gets me most on the roof right behind my front teeth :confused: Wish I could limit it to once a month :old At times it's a before bed bowl every night...:hide I've really made an effort to not buy snack chip type foods as it's a real downfall for me. Love cheese puffs and Doritos etc. But I'm trying to stick with just pretzels... 10am and haven't had breakfast yet... thinking some oatmeal with real maple syrup and brown sugar (& milk of course) might taste good with the weather.

So I got a call from the mower repair and the spindles are all fine and no deck damage but the blades are bent. They are going to replace them @ $21 each and it will be ready for me to pick up tomorrow. Supposed to be windy, but dry tomorrow so I'll go get it and bring it home. depending on how much rain we end up getting today, it's gonna take several days for the overgrown pasture to dry back out again. Even longer due to it being so overgrown. I have GOT to get some animals on all this green or I'll be spending all my time mowing it to keep it from reverting back to jungle. o_O


Herd Master
May 22, 2014
Reaction score
now @Latestarter I never said a word about ugly or fat, just big, old and hairy. they are bigger, at least longer than mine, they aren't as old as mine but they are hairier than mine.:lol: i'm tellin' ya to go sit in the pen and make the greedy things let you touch them and scratch them before or during the treat session. and handle those babies every day so they will come to you looking for scratches and treats.
still anxiously waiting on dippin' dot.


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
Nope... not yet... Still in the oven. Did break into that giant bag of Cap'n Crunch and as I expected, they were quite fond of it. Not quite as eager as for the puffed wheat, but almost to the crack level. This time I threw some small handfuls down on the ground and spread around so the kids could get some too. :D When I have treats, the adults are so demanding the kids can't get anywhere near. What I need to do and hope to do again tomorrow is get the adults staked out and then I can get in the pen with the kids and give them snacks just for them. Gotta get the mower and need to get back on fence posts too.


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
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Wstrn Cent Florida
Yeh LS, ya are sounding more and more like a Farmer with each passing day....and ya seem to be Enjoying it right Nicely, too....:)
If I lived a bit closer, I'd come and help ya with the fence...after I get mine done. I'd at least give ya a hand a day or two anyways....:)


Herd Master
May 10, 2010
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Anderson, CA

I was told that the hinge pins on a gate should be installed with one facing down and one up so the gate cannot easily be removed from the hinges. OK, not a horrid job with a pipe gate that has one moveable hinge; it is an entirely different story with a gate that has hinges that have to attach in one spot only. What a pain, especially when it is 98°.

Then I have to attach stock panel to the gate so my LGD doesn't think that the gate is an entrance into another pasture.


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
Reaction score
NE Texas
Today should be the day for Dot. Ligs are definitely gone, udder is full and tight, vulva showing some swelling but no drainage yet. She was laying inside the shelter while all the others were out begging for breakfast. I went in and she did get up and move and finally came out for a nibble, but not really interested in food at all. She isn't acting her normal self at all. She has much larger teats than Bang. Wonder about the orifices.
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