Latestarter's ramblings/musings/gripes and grumbles.

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Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
Reaction score
NE Texas
OK, so Dot is a FF and I thought she was a 2nd... good enough! One doeling on the ground, :celebrate:weee:clap chocolate with a cream splash on her right rear flank. Hasn't had her first nurse yet because I think Dot is contemplating spitting out another one. Kinda like Christmas morning with wrapped presents :D
2017-5-4 Dots 1st doe #1.JPG

The kid was born inside the shelter and it's pretty windy here today after the front passed through. She was wet and shivering so I picked her up and helped dry her with towels then moved her out into the sun to help her warm up and dry off more. Mom did a great job and continues to do so!

2017-5-4 Dots 1st doe #2.JPG

Here's the baby lying just outside the shelter. Right after this Dot started pawing and trying to lay down so I picked up the baby and held it for a long time. It slept for a little bit :love She's so cute! :love Held the other 2 babies for a bit too while Dot lavished attention on the new girl. Love me some goats!

2017-5-4 Dots 1st doe #3.JPG

Here's a pic of Dot's udder from the back. I can't get a front or side shot as she's still contemplating giving me more kids...

ETA: I've covered the kid's umbilical with iodine multiple times (then wiped most off with the towels, or mom licked it off o_O:idunno)

Goat Whisperer

Herd Master
Dec 19, 2013
Reaction score
North Carolina
Everything okay? Have me a bit worried with no update!

Congratulations on your first kid! And doeling too, that is just great. Love the chocolate color!


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
Reaction score
NE Texas
Thanks all. Well, sorry, I had to make a trip to pick up the mower. There were no more, just the one. She's now up and moving around, following mom. I have yet to see her nurse, but when I got back from picking up the mower I went out to check on all and feed them. I picked the baby up and it had what looked like milk droplets on the sides of her mouth, so I have to assume she's had milk. Before I left I expressed colostrum from mom on both teats to make sure no plugs... I tried to get the baby to latch on to mom, but she's NOT cooperating at all.

Kinda funny, but while I'm standing there next to Dot and the baby, CB comes wandering over to nibble my pants and get some head scratches and Dot tried to ram her away from me. :ep I guess since I had her birthing fluids all over me she now considers me one of her kids to protect :D =D I trapped her against the fence and tried to get the baby to latch on to a teat, but no luck. Guess I'll just have to watch and see... I tried to get the kid on her before I left too with no luck. Initially it was because the kid was just born and too weak I think... couldn't even stand up yet. :idunno

Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
North Carolina
You have 6 hours (which is best) but no more than 12... that 24 hour crap is hogwash.... to get the colostrum in the kid...10% of the bodyweight of the kid .
A 7lb kid must have 11.2 oz. Do not wait around, you must make sure she is eating. If her suck is not strong enough you need to determine this and remedy the situation.

We are all here for you... this has been your dream....
If the kid is weak and not hopping around treatment is necessary.

I am so happy for you and want it all to go well for you! Beautiful kid! Congratulations!
@goatgurl really blessed you and @Devonviolet with some awesome animals!
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