Latestarter's ramblings/musings/gripes and grumbles.

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Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
Reaction score
NE Texas
Been absent for the most part for the last few days. On Monday felt the onset of a massive gout/arthritis episode. By Tuesday was affected in both wrists/hands, both ankles and one knee, coupled with lower back tension/tightness/pain. Worst part of having non working wrists and hands is after doing #2... nuff said there... Was using alternating bags of ice & water and jacuzzi heat/massage to little effect on any area. I've been dieting and trying to eat less/right, I've dropped between 20-25 pounds (still another 100 or so to go), and have eaten nothing that is a gout no-no. No idea what brought this on.

On Wednesday it was difficult to move after finally getting to a standing position out of bed. I managed to milk out Dot Tuesday night and Wednesday morning by sheer willpower. Did just the basic with no intention of saving the milk but only to relieve her udder. Had plenty available in the fridge to meet CC feeding requirements. Wednesday at 10 am, took my last available painkiller and some Excedrin and headed to the ER at the VA hospital in Shreveport. Got back late afternoon and hobbled down to give CC her afternoon feeding a little late. After night milking, I crawled into bed and tried not to move too much.

Hardest part of driving with bad ankles is braking... No accidents and drove very cautiously. Transit van from parking to ER door arrived right as I finished parking, so hobbled 10 feet to catch a lift from parking to the hospital. ER visit was very good, timely service and no frills or issues. Took 2 steroid shots, one in each cheek, and got a scrip for a 5 day steroid pack. They would not refill my painkillers :( Said I had to get that from my primary care and I don't see him till later this month. I will be asking for an emergency supply. Waited for the transit van and caught a lift from the hospital right to my truck door. By the time I got back home I was able to walk with minimal pain and wrists were semi-working... still no grip or power in my hands. I gotta say, this is one of the primary if not main reason I considered getting a $650.00 automatic milking machine, even for one goat... Unbelievably difficult to milk when you have zero grip and little to no hand control.

Started the 5 day pack Thursday morning and by evening milking, my wrists were working and I was walking almost normally. Got progressively better as the day went on but did virtually nothing none the less... just R & R...

Today has been wonderful. I still have a little pain/swelling in my right hand/wrist but both hands and wrists are virtually 100% operational. The knee swelling is virtually gone, no pain in the ankles at all and getting out of bed and walking this morning was no chore. The past few days I have been very self centered, reflective and really looking deep as to whether this lifestyle is really what I want and if I'm really even going to be capable of doing it all by myself. Being immobilized sucks, to have to do a hospital stay would be devastating on many fronts.

Anyway... Today was a good day :) All the kids got their CD&T shots... 2nd booster for CB & CM, 1st round for CC, so she's due another in 4-5 weeks. I had borrowed the kid disbudding box and iron from @Devonviolet about 2-3 weeks ago to do CC and held on to it a little extra time because I just had a feeling I might still need it... So over the past few days I had noticed that CB was starting to develop a growing little black nub at the very edge of where she was burned, and CM was starting to grow much more prominent nubs on both sides where he had been burned. Eyeball evaluation told me they would both still fit in the disbudding box... just barely... if I got this done pronto.

Today was that day. I have to say it was a VERY tight fit, especially for CM... he was not in the least thrilled and screamed his head off at the injustice of it all. But he has now been re-burned and the nubs removed. Hopefully that should be it and there will be no further development or scurs. I think I got all of both this time. He's in for another big shock if I get to TSC in the next several days as he's about to become an "IT"... He's too strong for me to try and restrain and cut all by myself so I've decided I'm going to do banding on him. I saw the tool at TSC the other day but couldn't find the bands. I'll look more closely probably tomorrow. He's had enough excitement for one day today. CB was no big issue as it was not much that needed to be done and it was over relatively quickly.

After that was done I gassed up the lawn tractor and mowed a path to the hay and feed station so my feet and pant legs don't get soaked by dew every morning. Mowed all around the house and yard including the long driveway and the roadside ditch/swale area. I'm gonna need to do the pastures again, worst being the 1/2 of the rear pasture that didn't get done after I did the first 1/2, 2 weeks ago. Like Others in this area... we've had some rain... just a bit, & this stuff grows like weeds... maybe because mostly it IS weeds :rolleyes:

So I texted @Devonviolet and will meet her and her DH tomorrow and I'll buy them lunch and return the disbudding kit with great thanks for the loan of it. When I get home I'll feed CC her afternoon bottle then it will be back to mowing. As soon as I have the wilderness under control I have the best intentions to get back to fencing. It's been dry for a couple of days, not too hot and not too humid and most importantly, not as much pain. For now, it's time to get off here and go visit my herd, give them there evening rations and collect my quart+ of fresh milk from Dot. BTW... had a bowl of froot loops with goat milk this morning for breakfast... it was TOO sweet :confused: Whodathunkit?


Herd Master
Nov 22, 2014
Reaction score
East Texas - Near Sulphur Springs
Geez Joe! I'm sorry you had to put up with that much pain! I know the steroids seems like heaven. But, please go easy with them. Too much, over time can do a number on your organs, especially your liver. They can also destroy your immune system, setting you up for all kinds of unpleasant illnesses.

We are really looking forward to seeing you, for lunch tomorrow! It's been a while.

I'm so glad you kept the disbudding iron and box. I know from experience, it's hard (with all that screaming and wriggling) to keep the iron on long enough to get enough of a burn, to really stop those horns from growing. I think at has been my least favorite job, since we started having goats.


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
Reaction score
NE Texas
Th@nks everyone. It seems my 1st letter of the @lph@bet key h@s decided not to work... so much for expensive cordless keybo@rds... GRRrrrrrrr :he:rant:somad I've got @nd drink t@rt cherry juice & it does help, but it c@n only do so much & I w@s well p@st th@t point... Losing the excess weight will help with this condition, p@rt of the re@son for doing so, @long with @ desire for gener@l he@lth improvement.

Just got home from dinner & go@t food purch@se (L@st minute, I know). @fter feeding & milking I re@lized th@t I w@s out of pellets for tomorrow morning so m@de @ l@st minute d@sh to TSC & got there with 10 minutes to sp@re. Go@ts h@ve their morning me@l "in the c@n" so to spe@k (it's kept in @ g@lv@nized tr@sh c@n w/lid out by their pen). I then stopped @ the money dispenser & stopped to get my lottery ticket(s) for tomorrow night. I only g@mble with money I c@n (B@rely) @fford to throw @w@y... Then went to @pplebees & h@d @ bowl of French Onion Soup, @n order of bone in extr@ hot chicken wings w/r@nch on the side, & @ skewer of grilled shrimp with @ dbl screwdriver in @ t@ll gl@ss w/2 cherries (gout remember) & @n or@nge slice g@rnish. Excellent me@l & well worth it! Less th@n 2000 c@lories tot@l & well below 3000 for the d@y. I figure I c@n splurge every so often.

@lmost 11pm & next stop for me is the j@cuzzi, then bed.


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wstrn Cent Florida
Sorry to hear ya been having a rough time with it all, but really glad to hear about the improvement. I certainly understand the "Gut Check" also, as I have considered and wondered about the same things....tho, I do have Joyce, but she can't keep up with it all and I have to handle the goats. I have the feeling that I may not be around for an extended period of time, but have thought that by having the animals, she could sell them and have cash in hand for her "Options" if something does happen to me. I can tell ya tho, just sitting around doing nothing isn't good for ya physically, mentally, or emotionaly. When ya have the animals, even when ya don't really feel up to it, it forces ya to get up and do. This means that ya are needed, wanted, and loved....even if the "World" is against ya. The animals are always Happy to see ya, lick ya, nibble at ya, and scare ya to death. I think ya would be cheating yourself of many enjoyable times and memories if ya tried to recapture what ya had before. Because if ya was Happy then....ya wouldn't have jumped thru so many "Hoops" and circumvented so many "Obstacles" to get to where ya are today. Plus, without the animals ya would be cutting more grass, more often....and even on a will wear ya out in the heat and humidity. That is why I'm looking to add some here....and cash for Joyce.
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