Latestarter's ramblings/musings/gripes and grumbles.

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Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
Reaction score
NE Texas
@s my friend Fred so @ptly noticed @ while b@ck, the go@ts seem to love sweetgum le@ves. Since I've got plenty of property cle@ring to do @nyw@y, I've been giving the br@nches to them for tre@ts. It does seem to be th@t they love sweetgum le@ves. Even the b@by CC is in there e@ting them. :D This (^*&$$^ keybo@rd gets repl@ced tod@y!
2017-6-10 go@ts love sweet gum 1.JPG
2017-6-10 Go@ts love sweet gum 2.JPG
2017-6-10 Go@ts love sweetgum 3.JPG


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
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Wstrn Cent Florida
In the fall when the leaves turn, they will tussel over the really deep purplish-red ones. Yeh Bay they eat other leaves, that is true....but, they Devour sweet gum...fresh, wilted, and any stage to dried and crispy. Still others are eaten only at certain stages.


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
Enjoyed a nice relaxing lunch with @Devonviolet & her DH @ a place called Richie's. I had to text them and tell them that I was going to be ~15 minutes late and ended up being 20 minutes late. :( I hate being late and always try to be at least 5 minutes early... (I left home early to stop at wally world and get the keyboard. Leaving there I realized I had forgotten to bring the disbudding kit :he so had to run back home to get that, which was ten minutes each way). Anyway, they didn't start without me and we had a very enjoyable lunch :drool They were so considerate :hugs and brought me a dozen duck eggs (I see baking in my immediate future!) a small tube of "Two Old Goats" essential oil lotion for my aches and pains, and a battery powered syringe milker setup like she uses for her goats for me to try on consignment. I don't think the syringe size will work as Dot has sausage teats that are quite a bit bigger than the syringe :hide:idunnoI'll take it down tomorrow and check to see. I really don't mind hand milking (when my hands and wrists are working anyway). It only takes like 10 minutes and done.

I always ask for a menu @ Ritchie's and always get the same thing when I'm there :hu What can I say, they make a really good Buffalo Chicken sandwich! :drool I didn't think of it till too late but should have extended the invite to @Baymule and her DH as well. They probably would have enjoyed the break after all that work they've done lately completing their fencing :clap I am a bit envious :hide It looks so good! I'll get there... eventually.

So while I was out that way I stopped in at the Sandlin Lake State Park on my way home to check it out for fishing and swimming when my son and his family are here. I think it will work very nicely. Also got a new wireless keyboard (came with a wireless mouse too). They didn't have a replacement model for the one I had so it "feels" different to me... But at least the "A" key now works. :) And I'm only using one USB port for the wireless receiver since the two pieces work off the one together.

So got home, did the bottle feed with CC then brought out the lawn tractor and spent 4 hours mowing the back pasture. Got a lot done, but lots more to do. Stopped right about 8pm and then did the animal chores. Finished that up right about dark. Showered and got the computer setup done and gosh it's already almost 11pm... I just looked and it was like nine... Time, it's a hard thing to get a firm grasp on... When you're in a hurry for something it seems to drag, and when you don't pay close attention, it just slips past unnoticed. o_O

Back to mowing again tomorrow. Need to get it finished so I can get back on fencing.


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
Reaction score
NE Texas
OK, so I just want to attest to the fact that actual hoof trimmers work SOooooooooooo much better than scissors... I guess that old adage "use the right tool for the job" comes to mind.

Oh, and just for the record, it's NOT a good idea to start trimming hooves 1/2 way through milking (before turning the doe to milk the other side)... :barnie:sick :hide It kinda really destroys the whole "cleanliness/sanitation" issue... So that batch of milk is wholly reserved for CC's bottles... :confused: I did manage to grab hold of April and though she initially tried to strangle herself, and screamed bloody murder, once she realized the fence was not going to let her go, and I was going to continue to lean against her holding her there, she calmed down and I was able to do a real good clean up on her hooves. When I was done and released her, she actually let me scratch her side as she walked (not ran!) away. :) I have to think it felt a lot better walking after I was done.

The local TSC doesn't have the bands in stock for castrating. They don't have them on back order either so it will be over a week to get them from there. 1/2 way home from lunch the other day I realized I should have stopped at the TSC where we had lunch as checking online, they actually do have them in stock. Guessing I'll take the 25 mile run over there tomorrow and get them. I'm gonna call first though, just to be sure. I'd be really unhappy if I drove there and they didn't have them either...

So I got 1/2 the remaining back pasture done/mowed today before I got another leak in a rear tire... 3rd time this has happened... There are some pretty serious thorns back there. I never realized how thin those lawn tractor tires really are. I have a plug kit (already used twice) and will locate the leak tomorrow morning and plug it up, then finish mowing tomorrow afternoon. It would be nice to start mowing early but it's so grown up and the morning dew is so heavy it just won't work. It would just pack/mat down.


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wstrn Cent Florida
Trying to "Multi-Task", huh?....;)
Sure glad ya are feeling Better. I'm facing the same difficulty here with the grass too. Seems that I can't get started til about noon, here. I was mowing Sat so I could take a day off today to spend with field #2. Got about 3/4ths of it done....made a turn and the lft rear started walking off the rim, so it sat today and will deal with it tomorrow. I agree with ya on the thinness of the would be nice to get some "Knobbies" on it like trail tires. I'll have to check and see if the tire store in town has something that will work better.
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