Latestarter's ramblings/musings/gripes and grumbles.

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Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
Reaction score
NE Texas
Ah, what a day... started out when I went to feed this morning and Mel met me. He generally comes in while I get everything ready but it rained again very early this morning and he wasn't on the covered deck when I looked out. So I wanted to actually go outside and check him for mud before I let him in. When he came up, the side he presented looked clean, as did his paws... Next thing you know he turns around and rubs his wet, red, mud covered backside/flank all over my fresh, clean (last of that type) jeans :rant So after finishing the chores, I cornered him and took the hose to him to wash all that mud out of his coat. Man, wasn't THAT a challenge... He is worse than the goats when it comes to getting wet, I swear... But I got it done. It has taken most of the day for his coat to fully dry out, even with toweling him off when I was done.

So came inside and stripped down to wash all my jeans as well as the other dirty work clothes that had accumulated. After the first wash, I go to put everything in the dryer and when I open the lid, there's dried/caked soap all over the wash tub wall :idunno :he So I add a couple more articles, a little more soap, start the fill cycle, and wash the soap off the tub and make sure all the new will be fully mixed in the water. So I'm sitting in my recliner (in my bed-time shorts) watching TV & waiting for the washer to finish when I hear the sound of running water... Now THAT'S weird... OH crap!

Run to the laundry room and see a wall of water coming around the corner to join me :epWell, seems the drain hose worked its way up out of the drain pipe and with the rinse cycle, started pumping all that water out on to the floor...:hit About 1/2 the tub, maybe 10 gallons of water, on the floor :hit So I open the back door and start using a bath towel to drag the water over and out. Finally get the water cleaned up best I can, and I pulled the dryer out to dry underneath/behind it. (couldn't move the washer as it was full of water) Well, of course the dryer vent pipe fell off. First from the back of the dryer, then from the wall. And after several attempts to get it reconnected and the dryer pushed back in, I finally achieved that goal. The pipe kept falling off as soon as I'd move the dryer. And there's not enough room between machines that I could push it 1/2 way in then attach the pipe, and get myself extracted. Oh to be young, thin and limber again...

So I've been looking at the goats, like I always do when I'm with them, and April has always been a little chunky... I thought she was just benefiting from the grain and feed mix because she isn't lactating. But lately, it appears that she is developing an udder :ep Tonight when I got a good clear look at her from directly behind, she is definitely growing an udder, and she appears to be "thicker" through the middle than previously... :idunno SO @goatgurl what say you? Is there any chance that April might be in a kiddly way? I mean I brought them here April 16th, so it's been almost 3 months. Could she have gotten with the buck in late February or March some time? She does have meat goat in her, so technically it's possible that she could be a year round breeder... So maybe I'll be having another birthing this year some time between now and mid September? :idunno:fl Based on udder development, more likely between now and mid August...

Mini, I wish I HAD a bush hog (& tractor to pull it of course). Why is it so difficult to hook up? Maybe you should just leave it hooked up? I hope you get the tiller figured out and working.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
If you lived here abouts I'd loan it to you! I can connect all except the darn PTO. The sleeve is so, so SO hard to pull up onto it, then you have to push in a button, hold it in while you put it onto the last 2". Now, I'm an old lady and that is NOT my cup of tea!! Not about balance, level or anything but muscle. It sure doesn't respond to a good cussing -- I've used that!!!! :barnie

Once it is on, it generally stays for most of Spring/Summer but, If I need to disc or grade, or use the backhoe, it hooks to that back side & hydraulics there...other implements there to 3 prong, lift, etc. Was on all winter & I use the backhoe to help pull fence as I can lift, drop, sideways pull, etc. Works will wish you had it there next week. LOL So, time to switch out. It's the only piece I cannot connect myself. Hate it.

Sorry about your flood!


Herd Master
May 7, 2013
Reaction score
It's soooo HARD to connect the stoopid mower. It takes DH and I together to connect ours - or my son to do it alone in half the time it takes DH and I to do it ourselves - while giving us that "look". I try to leave mine connected until it's time to take it off and put on the round bale mover thingy.

@Latestarter - Sorry you had such "a day". I walked into the laundry room this morning to a wet rug. DH washed sheets yesterday ( I know - he' wonderful) and it got off balance and knocked the drain hose out of the pipe. Must have been the day for it...ugh.

Hope your gal is bred!!


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
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Wstrn Cent Florida
Oh No!!....some duct tape oughta hold the drain hose in the pipe, and I'm sure we shared the same vocabulary while attempting to attach the lint hose, too. I bet Mel had told the goats to watch him get ya....:) seems that animals do that to us. I guess April doesn't want ya to get out of practice, so she is doing her part in reinforcing the lessons learned.....ya just got started and that "Goat Math" is getting a jump on ya....:thumbsup


Herd Master
Nov 22, 2014
Reaction score
East Texas - Near Sulphur Springs
Wow! What a day you had! Sorry about all that water on your floor. What a mess!

And wasn't that nice of Mel to hide the mud until it was too late? :lol:

Interesting about April. It sure sounds like she spent some productive time with Choco before she went with you. :clap Ah yes! Goat math at its finest! :lol:


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
I've had the washer drain hose thing as well. So sorry to hear you did! Tied it down good after that. And I don't know WHY they can't make dryers with the vent up in the TOP corner where a person MIGHT be able to get to it! For the prior house I bought wheels for the dryer. Don't know what it is really called but basically an adjustable length flat metal surface with rollers on each end. Get the pair and get the dryer up on them. At least then you can roll the dryer rather than trying to shove it. But you still need to have a couple of feet of space to the side to access the stupid hose.


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
Reaction score
NE Texas
Hmmm I don't really think my luck is any worse than most other folks... I KNOW it isn't as good as some folks (no winning jackpot lottery ticket yet). I'm sure most of y'all out there have plenty of gripes and grumbles, but just move on past them and don't share. :hu Stuff happens... some times one thing after another and sometimes you catch a break waiting on the next "thing". Only real PITA was the washer hose and clean up... the rest of it was just "stuff happens".

Bruce, the dryer is no issue to move as it's very light... the issue is working space. Having the exhaust up top might help quite a bit.

Sorry Mini and Fem, that your mower is so difficult to attach. I'm sure when the time comes I'll most likely share the same issues since I have one (sometimes two) bad hand/wrist. no strength/grip. aging sucks.

So woke up to a gust front and it's now raining again with thunder in the distance. Radar shows it will be over me for the next hour or so. It beat me to goat chores so they're gonna have to wait. I'm sure they'll still be there for me when this passes.
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