Latestarter's ramblings/musings/gripes and grumbles.

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Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
The only thing I can think Bay is that my goats are truly browsers vice grazers. Any kind of tree limb/leaves I give them is like candy to a child. They go berserk and even strip the bark. They just aren't interested in hay/grass unless it's all there is. That being the case, I can't understand why they don't eat the woody stems of the alfalfa. :confused:

Hmmm problem with a second feeder is not only do I double the feeding space, but it will also double the waste. :( That wouldn't be so bad if I was paying $3-4/bale, but I'm paying $12. I think it may also cause problems like I've experienced with adding additional feed bowls... The dominant ones run back and forth to each bowl trying to control all of them and end up dumping the bowls by stepping in them or kicking them. When I feed them their pellets, I have to basically stand in the center of the feed bowl wheel and make them stay where they first settle down at. I need to get in touch with Bay and set a time to go down and visit her so I can pick up the no climb horse fence she said I could have to build a 2 sided feeder for them. Then there will be two sides so they can eat with a little less interference. Same amount of hay, just more accessible.

The above dynamic is changing as well as RJ grows in size, weight and maturity. He is now challenging Bang and they've had a go several times. It's now getting to the point that RJ is sometimes driving everyone off and the ones he misses, Bang goes after. I kinda feel bad for CM (the wether) as it seems nobody wants him to share their bowl. Most of the time, he ends up sharing with his sister CB. They take turns trying to push each other away unless I stand right over them. But every time he's chased off he seems to make it a point of jumping into and through the feed bowls :he:somad I guess he figures if he can't eat any he'll do his best to deposit crap and mud from his hooves into the feed pellets.:rant

So I've been trying to come up with alternatives... I've considered the hanging bowls that hang on the outside of the cattle panel so they stick their heads through and eat. I'd have to make some sort of "blinders" for either side of the bowls so the neighbor goat can't see what they're missing. When I give them their cereal treats which they have to stick their heads through for, the first one done (generally the greediest; Bang,) will take aim and ram into the side of whichever goat is where she wants to move to. Sometimes she'll ram multiples and try to "run through" the entire group. I really don't want need miscarriages or broken ribs/hips etc. I've seen a pic on here someplace where a person made individual walk in "cages" with locking doors so the goats had to walk in and get shut in where the feed bowl was at the opposite end, almost like a cattle chute/head gate. I don't have the room for anything like that, especially as the goat numbers increase.


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
Reaction score
NE Texas
Nasty day today... :tongue frozen ice droplets hanging from anything metal that's off the ground. Ice in the water trough and dog's bowl. Wind blowing and high humidity. Just a cold raw day here in NE TX. Day is growing and temp is dropping... was ~30 when I got up and now it's 27. Nothing to complain about compared to what many here are dealing with... snow, ice sub zero temps, etc. I have noticed that the pasture is starting to change color and is getting "greener" every day. several of the trees here are starting to bud. Spring is on the way.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
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Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Seems unbelievable the temps you are getting in Tx. We are up to 53, never got below 46 last night and have had over 2 inches of RAIN. This is Va, we are supposed to have WINTER, SNOW, that sort of thing. The frost in the ground prevents the water from soaking down like it should. The mud is so sticky, and makes walking so miserable.We were so deficit in moisture, and this rain has finally solved the hauling water problem. BUT, now you can't get around. We are having to feed all the cattle with the 4 WD big tractor because we can't get in and out of the fields with the trucks. Hauling water was no fun. But at least I could get in and out of the field. Have never had it so muddy this time of the year. Flood watches and warnings all over the area here for the next 24 hours. More rain forecast for this next week and temps in the 30's to 50's with a few 60's in there. Is this really FEBRUARY or did I miss a month or two on the calendar?????

Have had some groundhogs digging tunnels and they were undermining the ground around one of the feed tanks/bins. Just got another 2 ton delivered when my son was getting feed for his big bin at the farm where we keep the weaned calves and the preg-due to calve cows. So I got another 2 ton to help with the cost savings. The bin started to lean and yesterday we had to run a chain to the one truck parked there that is needing some major work done to it; in order to keep the bin from falling over as the ground beneath it is sinking. So, when I get it emptied, we will have to move it and then rebuild the ground it sets on. It'll be awhile before it gets emptied as I figured this would take me through to summer.
Always something. I can't carry the buckets of feed through this mud to the barn where my nurse cows are with their calves. Too much pain in the ankle and knee. Normally I can drive the truck up to the doorway and unload several buckets into the metal feed can there. But it has been getting muddier and muddier and now we have a monsoon????? Guess I will have to get my son to help get some feed into the barn. Carrying it in the bucket of the 4WD tractor a mile up the road to "my barn" . Luckily I have a bunch of 5 gal buckets with lids that I can fill and take up there. What a pain. I try to take extra up there whenever it has been frozen or hard ground so I don't have to deal with the crappy weather but we just haven't had much hard ground in the last 10 days and so I am pretty empty up there.


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
Muddy as blazes here as well. I can get around, but only if I drive very carefully. Been a wet cloudy winter and the under strata never really dried out from September's flood water sitting on it.
The only thing I see budding out are the bradbury (non-fruit bearing) pear trees, and they are always a false indicator of spring's approach.

Mike CHS

Herd Master
Mar 18, 2013
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Southern Middle TN
Our ground is saturated like I've never seen it. I'm able to get around the lane outside our fence but even my little tractor was making ruts a foot deep. I've been using my neighbors Kawasaki Mule the last couple of days or other wise I would be hauling square bales on foot.


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
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Wstrn Cent Florida
It is times like this that I'm thankful that I only have a few animals to deal with and not a lot of feeding issues. I sure hope things will level out makes me wonder how wet Spring will be this year....hope it isn't too bad cause the ponds, lakes, and reservoirs are filling now.
The sumac, blackberries, and oaks are budding.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
I'm maybe 4 hrs from farmerjan and -- thankfully! -- have better weather here along the coastal area, for now. It's 72 right now, windy and off/on rain of the sprinkle type. Enough to run you in for some work, fuss for other work and be happy it isn't a downpour! Next 10 days mostly low 50 - upper 60, one day it's mid no overnight freeze! YEAH! Slight rain poss each day. VERY slight. Need to get those seeds in the starter cups - Spring coming.

Happy with that as I have a week off and want to get some things DONE!! Been bad weather on days off past couple weeks, time to be improving. Winds bad right now but, not tomorrow. Crank up the tractor! :celebrate That's the only "muscle" I have to help me with what I need to do. It's great, no opinions or backtalk. :rolleyes: Then there's some messy work I am hoping to get done -- clean chicken coop deep litter, barn, etc.
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