Latestarter's ramblings/musings/gripes and grumbles.

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Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
Reaction score
NE Texas
Thanks again for everything & for having me GB. I've done long drives all my life so 4 hours is a "walk in the park" so to speak. Thing is, since I have animals and no longer anyone else living with me to take over for me, I can't go quite as far or stay as long. Was great to finally meet you and I look forward to our next visit... here or there.

I look forward to the sheep pics & any "sales" info they might care to share... I'd need some idea what breed, how many for sale, what sexes, what they'd cost, and when they'd be available...

I really want to get back to the fencing, but it looks like we're slated for another 7 days of rain... I might have to just deal with it and work in the mud. :(:tongue:sick The damage done can be rectified by the washing machine I spent all those $$ on and a hot shower after all...

ETA Though it was dark when I fed the goats this evening, the "ladies" are all building very low bellies and their bags are starting to show/develop. :clap Dot should be just about 5-6 weeks out at this point. The others will follow her lead. :thumbsup
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Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
It's a good thing you came by yesterday. Slow steady drizzle with occasional showers since before daylight so far today.
I sure won't be doing much outside today other than stretching some more ht barbless wire.


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
Yeah, I saw that coming GB. Primary reason I chose the day(s) I did... soonest available with least chance of precip. Of course it was STILL gray, cold, damp and overcast yesterday while I was there. Sun finally showed itself as it was going down during my return drive. :hu:\

It's gray, chilly, drizzl-ey, and just plain uncomfortable weather here today. Temp is 38°f with a light breeze and near 100% humidity, making it feel colder and very raw. The experts are saying high today in mid 40s and low tonight in low 40s but from what I'm seeing it looks like tonight's high might be above today's high. Supposed to be on a warming trend through mid week with Thursday being in the 70's before dropping back down again. No real rain right here at my place (yet), but the radar shows that's about to change. It's all around me and moving my way. I need to go out and get some milk and bread, pay the water bill, go to the bank, buy goat pellets, and I'm sure I'll figure out a few other things I SHOULD have done while out... once I return.o_O I broke into the new alfalfa hay I bought and I'm VERY displeased... It's too loosely baled and the flakes are like powder when you peel them off. :rant Need to finish the enclosure fencing (3 pastures enclosed/gated) and get spring greening started so I can let these little "munch"kins out to browse/graze.

So I got back from my road trip and went through all my mail I'd collected (PO box and mailbox) this morning. Lucky me... I have a jury duty summons coming up (better re-check the date... don't want to miss it). Also got a mailed toll bill for my trip to the airport to pick up #1 DD when she visited (first time out there, didn't realize I'd gotten on the toll portion till I was already on it). And to top it all, I got a mail out photo ticket for running a red light in Marshall while returning from the VA (back in Dec). I vaguely recall it and think it was a short cycle light and not enough time/road to stop safely. The letter states that photographs do not constitute evidence that an infraction occurred, so I think I'm going to mail back requesting a hearing and fight it. The cost of the gas will be less than the $75.00 cost of the ticket.

Unless of course they uphold the ticket and I end up paying for both. :confused: Just pisses me off. I really, REALLY, try to NOT break the laws, especially the ones that have a higher risk of causing accidents. Running red lights obviously qualifies under that description. Driving a little over the posted speed limit doesn't qualify IMHO since if you don't do so, you become more of a hazard as nearly everyone else IS doing so. I REALLY hate the friggin camera happy environment that we live in. Maybe a world wide EMP would be a GOOD thing... except for all the other stuff we'd lose as a result, like electricity, the internet, vehicles... Speaking of vehicles... my 6 mo vehicle insurance is due the end of the month as well :(. Real tough to get financially "ahead" when every month brings new things to wipe out the finances.

Oh, neat thing... Didn't expect it but since I have the state sales tax ag exemption and use it every time I buy at TSC, they sent me a statement in the mail detailing out every purchase I made this year that used the exemption. :weee:thumbsup Now I wish I'd saved all the receipts from the stuff I bought elsewhere... :confused:


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
Be aware, that the vast majority of those red light cam tickets are farmed out to a 3rd party (usually in Ariz or Ohio) and if you are late sending in the 'fine' you will get a bill for late fee which is often as much again as the original ticket.
I fought one and won on the late fee part, since they sent both the original notice and the late fee notice to the wrong address, to the wrong name, in the wrong state.
(There was no fighting the original violation...wife made a left turn on red, late at night in my truck tho there wasn't another vehicle on the roads that time of night)

Mike CHS

Herd Master
Mar 18, 2013
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Southern Middle TN
We keep receipts for everything we spend on the farm and livestock. It makes a world of difference come tax time especially when you're building infrastructure.


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
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Wstrn Cent Florida
I haven't had to file since '06 and I am terrible at keeping receipts....1 good thing about not having enough income to qualify to file....:)
I was looking at the 7 day forecast here and it seems we are going to be pretty wet during that time....just glad temps will be up and wet is all we'll have to deal with.


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
I vaguely recall it and think it was a short cycle light and not enough time/road to stop safely.
Those can be a bitch. And given that so many people think yellow means "go really fast" you have to check the rearview before you decide you are going to stop. Then how do you argue you ran the red to avoid a rear end collision from the guy behind you who ALSO ran the light. Only it was already red when he got to the intersection.

Good luck on the jury duty thing. You haven't been in TX long enough to deserve a "punishment" like that!


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
Reaction score
NE Texas
Yeah, so I called the number on the ticket and asked the guy about the statement on the form that says photographic images can not be used as evidence. He said it states that because it might not have been me driving. Asked if there was any additional fees to ask for a hearing, he said no, so I said I want a hearing. He said they'd mail out with the date/time and I'd rcv a call. Several hours later I get a call from AZ... some gal asking me all kinds of questions so she could determine if/when I could get a hearing. Said she'd call back, but never did. :idunno The fine or mail back for the hearing is due by the 25th. Said if I haven't heard about the hearing by then, to contact them back for the details. IMHO it's just one more police money making opportunity. Taxation and all that. We really do live in a police state (country). :(


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
I always look forward to jury duty.
It's dry, it's warm and you get paid for doing your duty while watching AND participating in one of the workings of a democratic society.
I don't know about TX but "paid" isn't exactly what I would call it, $30/day here. Minimum wage in VT is $10.50/hr. Lots of employers can't afford to pay someone to not come to work and are not required to do so, that civic duty can be costly.

And as discussed here or elsewhere (I don't recall) the only time I've been called it was in CA 40 years ago when I was in college. Had to go EVERY weekday for a MONTH, no summer job that year. Most of the time was spent playing cards and reading books. At least when my wife was called here, it was 1 day a month for, I think, 6 months and there was a number to call to see if they were pulling juries that day. No need to show up if they weren't.
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