Herd Master
We got a half inch of rain overnite and it is suppose to be nice til Sat....temps are dropping to 10-15° cooler during that time. I dread the wasps coming back out and hope to get a few things done before they do.
OK, so y'all remember this picture of the hay feeder. You'll notice that I had to place pavers under the front end as the ground there was lower. As you can see, the feeder is still not level. Despite this, please notice that the lifted lid is still (only) slightly past vertical, though less so than it would have been on level ground (where it was built). The hay that you see inside was basically laid in there as it was ~1/3 of a full bale and quite light in weight.
So, design flaw, or if you prefer, lack of foresight on my part. What do ya suppose happens when you lift a full ~60 pound bale up to face height and drop it into the feeder? If your answer was: "The forward momentum and weight of the bale will cause an equal and opposite reaction from the roof, causing it to move forward, past vertical, and thus fall." you'd be 100% right. And since my face was basically right where it was falling, you can imagine the consequences
I share with you, the result:
View attachment 44848
It looked a lot worse before cleaning it up. Left a pretty good blood trail through the pen, up to the house, all over my shirts. Nose isn't broken thankfully but it's gonna leave a mark. Getting more battle scars from this danged farming thing than I did from 24 years in the military.
As for the other injury noted, that happened when getting ready to leave Bay's place after dropping off the gates. I used 12' 2x4s under the 16' gate to support it hanging out past the end of the tailgate. I put them diagonally out over the tailgate coming home. While walking to the truck to leave, I was carrying eggs, my mug, bacon, and watching the uneven ground to not trip, and while rounding the back side of the truck headed to the passenger side to place said items inside on the passenger seat, thumped myself in the forehead on the 2x4s. Rather embarrassing, but It did give Bay a nice chuckle...OK, was more like a (prolonged) guffaw...
No blood from that one.
And now you've given @Baymule one more thing to guffaw at!So I get about 2 miles down the road and reach for my mug and... ummm it's not there??? Coulda sworn I took it out of the house with me...Turn around and head back to Bay's place and there it is, laying on the ground at the end of the driveway.
So I stopped and picked it up, none the worse for wear, and headed back toward home.