Latestarter's ramblings/musings/gripes and grumbles.

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Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
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East Texas
I like something light and rugged to cut wire and small cable with, that would fit (and STAY) in my back pocket. I use HK Porter cutters for 12 ga HT wire and any barbed wire. They ain't cheap but they beat the heck out of the cutting grooves of fencing pliers.

But, if you also have a need for the small bolt cutters, they would work too.


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
Thanks for the call GB and I did look for those wire cutters but all they had were cheaper versions that would not have lasted. I got to thinking, since I'm also going to need to cut cattle panels I might as well get a tool that can handle that task as well. Ended up with a $50 set of bolt cutters. Pretty sure they'll handle about anything I'll routinely need to cut. Same size pair that they use at TSC to cut cattle panels. Did some more work on the submerged rotten post today but have yet to unearth it. Looked like I hit an underground spring as I could actually see the water running out of the side wall into the hole. Like a water tap on low pressure. Trying to dig out wet, submerged clay around a rotting post, amongst tree roots, really sucks. If I had a back hoe, I'd dig it out with that. :confused: What really sucks is I have at least 2 more rotted posts to go after this one. Both also located in low areas, so bound to be waterlogged. :hit

Supposed to have off and on T-storms over the next 3 days so my chances of it actually drying out seem slim. One advantage is the temps are supposed to be such that I can leave the heat and AC off. Might have to build a temp fence at the lower end of the "driving alley" so I can finish and let the goats out to scavenge. I want/need to start stringing fence & getting gates hung.

Got a text out of the blue from my younger sister yesterday. Guess she's been out in CO helping out my ex Sis-in-Law since back in Nov. She (SIL) went in to have a hip operation and the doc screwed up and she ended up having her leg amputated below the knee. Gotta believe there's a law suit and financial compensation due on that fiasco. Anyway, my sis's DH went out to get her (sis) and I guess they're planning on coming through this way on Friday and want to drop in for a visit. :idunno I texted her back my address and explained that it would be easiest if they get off the highway and call me and I'll lead them here. Haven't heard anything back since that. :hu So who knows... maybe they'll stop in, maybe they won't. She's really the only member of my immediate family that I have any contact with, and that's sporadic at best. We text best wishes at the holidays...


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
Reaction score
NE Texas
Wish I could plant a new one beside it. I was able to do so on the other side as it only affected pasture. Can't on this side though as it's the delineation between the residence property and the agricultural land/pasture. It's the NW corner "H" post of the front yard where the "driving lane" starts in the front pasture, leading to the back pasture. The lane is fenced on both sides, the one I'm trying to finish being the yard boundary. It's surveyed out with pins. The other side of the lane is already for fencing and will be part of the first pasture abutting the back yard property line where the present pen is enclosed.
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