Wehner Homestead
Herd Master
I think what GB said is worth a shot! I’ve seen the guys wrestle a post out of the ground at different times. My Papaw is notorious for making harebrained decisions that put everyone in danger in these situations...he’d probably either hook the truck to it with us all standing around watching or stick a chainsaw in the hole to cut it out bit by bit. Don’t get me wrong, he’s a good guy, my dad just has to keep him on track safely. It’s a wonder my dad survived his childhood!
Have I mentioned that he always rigged something?! We’d work cattle and the catch mechanism would be oiled too much from him preparing so the first four he caught would walk on out when he let go of the headcatch handle or he’d fail to replace the floor in the chute and not tell Dad and the bull would try to walk off with the whole set-up. One of my “favorite” stories is they had cattle all over three counties at one time “with no fences (there were fences but they weren’t going to keep anything in) and Papaw would drop Dad off at a field with a tractor to bushhog all day. He’d throw Dad a Pepsi while Dad was driving the tractor down the road to the next pasture, as he was passing him!” That would be all Dad got to eat or drink for the day. Papaw also liked to take a passel of nieces and nephews that had never seen cows before to round up a wild bunch. Those relatives can tell some stories too!
Anyway, good luck with the post and I hope you don’t have to dig the whole thing out!
Have I mentioned that he always rigged something?! We’d work cattle and the catch mechanism would be oiled too much from him preparing so the first four he caught would walk on out when he let go of the headcatch handle or he’d fail to replace the floor in the chute and not tell Dad and the bull would try to walk off with the whole set-up. One of my “favorite” stories is they had cattle all over three counties at one time “with no fences (there were fences but they weren’t going to keep anything in) and Papaw would drop Dad off at a field with a tractor to bushhog all day. He’d throw Dad a Pepsi while Dad was driving the tractor down the road to the next pasture, as he was passing him!” That would be all Dad got to eat or drink for the day. Papaw also liked to take a passel of nieces and nephews that had never seen cows before to round up a wild bunch. Those relatives can tell some stories too!
Anyway, good luck with the post and I hope you don’t have to dig the whole thing out!