Latestarter's ramblings/musings/gripes and grumbles.

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Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Sun is out and only white is the backside of the hills and bushes in the shade. It got down to 25 and is barely 41 at noon....Another round they are saying tonight; starting as rain then changing over to some snow....cold again. BUT WAIT..... there is relief on the horizon. Up to the 70's by the end of the week. Talk about why people are sick with these flu bugs and start to get over them and then have relapses.....


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
Reaction score
NE Texas
Gosh all this talk about tieing legs down and bondage stuff... Gets me to thinking about whips... and chains... & boards with rusty nails... OH MY! :hide;) I actually have 2 brand new pallets that are identical and picked up specifically to make a milk stand/stanchion. They're brand new, heavy duty, & perfect size. Just have to get the time to put one together. As for the hay feeder, the stoopid RJ buck pushed it over two more times and I finally had enough. He's gonna taste great on the grill. No, just kidding. I pounded in a T post to keep it upright. I'm sure if he really wants it on its side again, he'll find a way and I'll have to pound a 2nd T post. Dumb a$$ goat... :rant

Went out and got my 3 propane tanks filled. Ran out on the last one during my last grill episode and went to grill a rib eye the other night only to find it was not an option. Ended up pan frying it. Not even close. Works OK with thin sliced breakfast steaks but not so much on a thick steak. Swung by wally world to get turbo tax only to find they didn't carry it this year. :( I do NOT want to do my taxes online or in a cloud somewhere where God knows who will have access to the info. <Sigh> So I have to get cracking on taxes here.

So while there I picked up a couple big bags of puppy chow for the local animal shelter. They're always in need of puppy chow. So I walk through into the dog area and the first thing I see is a pyr! :ep What a friendly boy! Damn shame it wasn't a female. :( No background info as he was picked up as a stray. 2 more days till his emancipation (if he goes unclaimed he'll be available for adoption)... Thinking about it... Not pure pyr, but largest percentage. Has the long off white coat, color, & build but more like Baymule's Trip than Southern's big bruisers.

Picked up some lasagna noodles & ricotta cheese, so prob looking at doing that tomorrow. :drool Stopped at chicken express while out and had 6 hot wings, 2 thighs and a biscuit so not really hungry right now. Shoot, reminds me I left my sweet tea in the truck... Gotta go get that.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Trip made a good guardian, he's a little on the light side, at the 100 pound mark. He is lean, he runs all night long, can't put weight on him. He came in a little while ago for a nap. It lasted for about 15 minutes, then he was ready to go back out.

You could try that puppy, get him neutered later on so there wouldn't be any male hormone fusses. Trip (not neutered) and Parker (neutered) are best buddies. As long as you are the alpha dog, you can make it work. Unless you really want a female so she can have a litter of puppies for you.
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