Mini Horses
Herd Master
Now just be thankful you are not feeding COWS for that "free milk" 
Because you didn't know exactly what started the skin problems and sulfer does help I suggested the MTG. Stinks, works, less costly than some, esp in small size. ALSO...for many skin issues the old gold Listerine works well. Antibacterial and antifungal. Just a mention. I remember once when my DIL showed me a horrid spot about silver dollar size on a cat & ask how to tend it. I looked, then asked if she had any Listerine. Got a really quizzical look -- like "bad breath?" -- then I said put it on there2X a day! Still didn't believe but she did do it. Couple days later called to tell me it was healing and cat had stopped scratching it.....a week later, healed. and hair coming in. It's a good product.
And for human joint issues, the horse linament (absorbine) works well on your joints, too. Jeffers also carries a linament with arnica and something else......good product.
The Fish products sold have no RX and are same as human. They have sulfer drugs, same as Trimeth, etc. I use a couple days of the Trimeth for any kid with cocci. Done. Stops. I am NOT a vet and don't pretend to be but, have had many discussions with my vet and these are things we have come to rely upon. We have spent 30 yrs learning together. I cannot have a several hundred $$ bill for what are often "normal" issues. A phone call and instructions sure help save. When I need a vet, I am happy to pay their worth. When it is not an emergency, he is happy to not have to come out helps via phone. LOL

Because you didn't know exactly what started the skin problems and sulfer does help I suggested the MTG. Stinks, works, less costly than some, esp in small size. ALSO...for many skin issues the old gold Listerine works well. Antibacterial and antifungal. Just a mention. I remember once when my DIL showed me a horrid spot about silver dollar size on a cat & ask how to tend it. I looked, then asked if she had any Listerine. Got a really quizzical look -- like "bad breath?" -- then I said put it on there2X a day! Still didn't believe but she did do it. Couple days later called to tell me it was healing and cat had stopped scratching it.....a week later, healed. and hair coming in. It's a good product.
And for human joint issues, the horse linament (absorbine) works well on your joints, too. Jeffers also carries a linament with arnica and something else......good product.
The Fish products sold have no RX and are same as human. They have sulfer drugs, same as Trimeth, etc. I use a couple days of the Trimeth for any kid with cocci. Done. Stops. I am NOT a vet and don't pretend to be but, have had many discussions with my vet and these are things we have come to rely upon. We have spent 30 yrs learning together. I cannot have a several hundred $$ bill for what are often "normal" issues. A phone call and instructions sure help save. When I need a vet, I am happy to pay their worth. When it is not an emergency, he is happy to not have to come out helps via phone. LOL
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