Latestarter's ramblings/musings/gripes and grumbles.

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Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
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NW Vermont
Sorry about RJ's scur, sure sounds like a big PITA.

Nice looking Anatolian, nearby and only $1!!! I wonder how much they actually want for her.


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
Well, just ordered the OB handles and saw wire from ValleyVet. Went to JeffersPet first but their handles were on back order. :hu

No, I didn't contact them about the dog. Yes, she was a beautiful animal. There was no # provided (that I saw) so would have had to contact through CL message. I can't imagine they were giving her away and I don't have $$ right now to get another dog. I still haven't gotten Elf settled in as he continues to charge at the goats through the fence, growling, barking, and snapping at them. My son will be coming in ~3 weeks with his 2 dogs, both of which also have high prey drives and I just don't need the potential issues and hassles right now.

Mel is now out in the pasture 24/7, but he doesn't stay with the goats full time. For the most part he just goes off by himself and finds a shady/favorite spot and hangs out. If he starts barking though, they all make a bee line for the holding/night pen.

I'm sitting here typing and I listen to music while doing so. I listen to whole albums using Windows media player. I just started humming a tune and looked up and realized I've finished one album and am 1/2 through the next :confused: It's amazing how fast time goes by and I don't recall hearing virtually any of the songs between starting and when I noticed just now. :(


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
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East Texas
Greybeard -- obviously you have done this :) What has been your overall experience with it? Does the horn regrow? Is there an age when this works best? i.e youngsters vs adult, etc.

I've read some reports and most are positive for results but trust your input vs an unknown on utube.

I've seen cattle with horns cut and assume this is taking off above blood line...I am sure you would have info.
Regarding banding horns;
I've done the banding both above the bloodline (blunting the ends off) and done it down at the hair line to completely dehorn adult cattle and calves. In neither case, have I ever seen any bleeding like you would see with mechanical (saw wire, saw, Barnes, Keystone, guillitine, convex cutter.. ) dehorning of the whole horn.

Saw wire, you will see bleeding if you get below the dead area but from my expereince, not nearly as bad if using one of the early methods...the odor is the worst part. On a large horn, that saw wire will wear your arms out on an older animal. Mine are well used. Blood is pretty corrosive, as you can see.

I helped with dehorning goats and a few rams at the place I worked part time in West Texas & we first saw wired a little groove for the band to sit it. It doesn't take a deep groove, or even have to go all the way around..just stay out of the more sensitive material.
We taped the bands as well, even with the groove. I wasn't there when they did this part but it's my understanding, some of the goats oozed blood when the horn did come off and they had to pull a bleeder out( blood vessel) and if they did not, scurs would grow.

The younger, the better when it comes to dehorning any animal IMO.

Of all the things I've had to do to any animal, I hate dehorning the most and I'm not 100% convinced that dehorning by banding is completely painless.

I just sold my last horned cow. She was a sweetheart, docile as a puppy, a great momma, fantastic udder, good feet and legs, and never gave me one bit of trouble, but at my age, I just didn't want a horned cow around any more, and to be honest, I didn't have the heart to put her thru dehorning. Other than horns, she was among the best cows I've ever had, never even gave me a bad look, but she would use them horns on the others at the feed bunk.
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Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
Mel is now out in the pasture 24/7, but he doesn't stay with the goats full time. For the most part he just goes off by himself and finds a shady/favorite spot and hangs out. If he starts barking though, they all make a bee line for the holding/night pen.
He may be off in the shade but he is watching, even if his eyes are closed. Sounds like the goats know what to do when the alarm sounds though. That is good, don't want Mel having to figure out where to go to protect the goats.


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
So I heard (felt?) the storm approaching a little after 4am. Went out and let Mel up from the pasture to come in the house. He and Elf joined me snoozing in the bedroom until just now. They are both normally outside overnight. The rain started shortly after I let them in. The thunder is continuous right now... I mean just that, non stop. No idea how much rain, but it doesn't seem like a "lot". There are some small puddles outside but nothing serious and none of the typical "flooding" I see when it rains hard and long. It's not pouring, but steady. I'll take it and be happy! Seems like the plants are sucking it up as it comes down. I see lighter sky approaching from the NW, so the goats should be a lot happier soon... They'll be able to (willing to) come out of the shelter and I'll be able to go down and feed them their morning pellets. Mel has exactly zero interest in going out of the house right now. :gigElf wanted out (and is out) but I think that's only because he normally gets his breakfast now when I get up to do morning animal chores.


Herd Master
Jun 27, 2017
Reaction score
Capital Region NY
No idea how much rain, but it doesn't seem like a "lot". There are some small puddles outside but nothing serious and none of the typical "flooding" I see when it rains hard and long. It's not pouring, but steady. I'll take it and be happy!
Not sure if Bay has gotten any rain lately. But if she hasn't, she'd be SO jealous of your rain! :p:D:gig


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I could see it on the radar.......the drops we got were so few and far between that it was a drop splatter in the dust here, one over there, another one over yonder......glad somebody got rain, but it sure wasn't us!
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