Latestarter's ramblings/musings/gripes and grumbles.

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Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
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East Texas
Must be a Charger. Challenger is unmistakable with the full width open grill and round headlights.



Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
she only lets me drive it when her dh is not around. I make him nervous for some reason.

Ummmmm... You make ME nervous, just in general... :eek::duc:hide But then, I'm a basically nervous kinda guy ;)

A Dodge..but what flavor?

It's a Charger with a 5.7L Hemi. Have to say, It really is a pretty comfy ride and plenty of power when needed. I averaged ~29 MPG on the trip. As for buttons and knobs, I pulled an old folk on the first gas fill up. Searched high and low, back to front and the FOB for some way to open the danged gas hatch. Wasn't anywhere on the console, not on the floor next to the seat, not on the door where all the other controls are located. Finally got so frustrated I called Enterprise to ask them where the damned thing was located. It's down at the very back edge of the bottom driver's door compartment... that trough lookin area, at the back and up under the ledge so you really have to bend over and look to see/find it. After that, got 'er filled up and back on the road. A whole 15 gallons :ep:celebrate I could really get used to mileage like that! There is no gas cap... the door contains the sealing apparatus... Guess it wouldn't be a good thing to leave it open and drive off.

So, got to the meet with Fred right at the end of the specified time frame; 12:25pm. Got to Mikes right at the end of the anticipated time period; 3:30pm. Mike and Teresa had a meal planned for 4pm so it worked out perfectly, and what a meal! :drool:drool Smoked leg of lamb and crock pot lamb with natural juices, slaw, oven "fried" potatoes, fried okra, baked zucchini skins with cheese, a veggie tray with sliced tomatoes, pickles, olives. Gosh, what else... It was absolutely delicious. Thank you @Mike CHS and your wonderful wife Teresa for putting it all together for a meeting and allowing it to take place there. Got to meet @Rammy as she came down to join the fun. Very nice woman! and her little dog, too! Heeee heeheeheehee... :D (<---done in the voice of the wicked witch in case you didn't pick up on it)

Mike & Teresa's place is everything his pictures show, and more. Very nice spread, all inclusive! Got to visit the sheep and the LGDs. The description of the work that Mike has provided on his journal, doesn't really do justice to the amount of work he ACTUALLY has done! The change from purchase date to present is astounding, really. :bow

Anyway, I got home right after 3am as expected, no issues, no altercations, no tickets or LEO encounters. Mel was super excited to see me, I know he was stressed over the change in schedule... he didn't have his dinner delivered at 6 when I feed the goats. I fed him & Elf and put out some feed bowls with alfalfa hay in them for the goats. That should hold them till morning and pellets. They were all inside their night pen, even though the gate was propped open :weee.

No dozing off at the wheel coming home. Not really that tired right now either but when done here, I'm off to bed Got up at 4:30am yesterday for the trip. OK so I did take some pics... Here ya go:

freezer lamb 1 2018-9-16.JPG

freezer lamb 2 2018-9-16.JPG

I think that set of ribs that was under the one box was supposed to stay Mike... I ended up with 4 racks of ribs :eek: :hu When I stopped for ice on the way out from Mikes, I bought a small styro cooler and transferred some steaks, chops and ground lamb over into it with ice for Fred. :) Had I known then that there were additional ribs, I would have shared some of them with Fred as well. I hope he and Joyce enjoy it as much as I intend to:drool
freezer lamb 3 2018-9-16.JPG


Herd Master
Golden Herd Member
Mar 7, 2018
Reaction score
Got to meet @Rammy as she came down to join the fun. Very nice woman! and her little dog, too! Heeee heeheeheehee... :D (<---done in the voice of the wicked witch in case you didn't pick up on it)

Ok. Deleted last post because it didnt turn out how I wanted. Thats what you get for trying to do this on a phone.
Anyway, it was very nice meeting everyone. @Latestarter , @CntryBoy777 , @Mike CHS and Teresa, and his son and grandkids were just as nice as I expected. Yeah, I caught LS giving Lucy some lamb meat under the table. She really took to him and stayed by him under the table the whole time we ate. I wonder why? Hahaha.......but its ok. She works those puppy dog eyes to her advantage. Typical female, right? Mike and Teresa definitly put out a great meal. It was very nice meeting everyone and I really want to thank you Mike and Teresa, for having me in your home. I really enjoyed coming. Thank you for inviting me


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
:hugsJust to be clear... Lucy had "a-hold" of me under the table (she has very nice eyes) and she exerted this control over me... if I didn't pass over the tiny gristle strip, gosh knows what might have happened :hide She quite possibly would/could have climbed right up in my lap next. :) Tried to be real smooth and secretive about it... But, as usual... got caught :confused: It was only one tiny little bite :)


Herd Master
Golden Herd Member
Mar 7, 2018
Reaction score
Its fine. She isnt exactly subtle sometimes. ( ok, she aint subtle) and your right, she would of climbed in your lap if she could have. She was being a mooch! She was worn out from the visit and slept all the way home. Its ok you gave her some. I dont think she would have left you alone if you didnt. :drool
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