Latestarter's ramblings/musings/gripes and grumbles.

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Herd Master
Nov 22, 2014
Reaction score
East Texas - Near Sulphur Springs
Kinda feel bad for RJ... gettin' that blue ball feelin'... Bang and April have both been hanging out over by the buck pen wafting their enticing scent in his direction. He's been trying diligently to get to them through the cattle panel, so far without success. Let's hope it remains so... He and they will get their chance in about 3 weeks. Dot was doing so yesterday. I wasn't quick enough to catch both huzzies over there. April is off to the right having walked out of frame. I believe CC was over there participating earlier as well. The only one I'm not sure about in any way is CB... :hu
View attachment 52706
:lol: That’s HILARIOUS!!! :lol: What a little hussy that girl it!!! :gig:gig:gig

Of course. It was even funnier when you described RJ trying to get at the girls, when you were here, visiting this afternoon. :lol: I liked to die laughing!!! :lol:


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
Reaction score
NE Texas
Yes indeed... Had to visit the Jersey Girl Dairy and pick up some milk and yogurt. Hadn't really planned on the yogurt, but they had a bunch of 4oz cups on sale, so WTH... Since I was better than 1/2 way to DV's place, I texted her and asked if I could swing by for a visit. Of course she said yes :D I know she's been awfully busy with the making of products for sale and didn't want to interfere or cause her to fall behind. Got to visit with my 2nd favorite LGDs as well; Deo & Violet. :love They are such sweeties! DV & her DH were looking good and healthy. Great to see them again and they treated me to some special custard with really good tasting ice cream on top. Back to my diet again tomorrow ;)

Also wanted to check out a couple of feed stores along the way for a replacement feed for the goats. The Dumor blue label 16% protein w/AC added is now $14.99/50# bag @ TSC... I can get other generic 16% feed for $8-9/bag. I told the folks there that if they can't get that price down, I'm going to have to shop elsewhere. Can't pay twice the price for the name. They also have old feed (which I told them about before) that they tried to sell me. Packaged back in July... Told them I didn't want it. Bought 5 bags pkgd in early August. Still older than I like to buy. One of the girls said they have a new manager... She said she'd tell him about the feed issue(s). Think I need to get really serious about finding a new feed and supplier. Like soon.

I wish there was an actual mill nearby where I could get custom feed milled to my specs. Have searched but can't locate one. Stopped at the "feed mill" in Pittsburg as one stop today. Figured they had "mill" in their name, but no, they don't mill feed... :rolleyes: Oh well... :hu


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
Reaction score
NE Texas
Do you drive to the mill to pick it up Mike? I'd be happy to do so if there was a mill within easy driving distance. $180/1000# is $9/50#... I could handle that. Maybe next time you're there you could ask them if they know of any mills over here... anywhere between Texarkana and Dallas would work. One hour east or 2 hours west. There is a coop in Sulpher Springs, I don't know exactly where, but that's about an hour west of here and will be my next place to check out I guess.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Sounds "funny" to hear you say you are buying milk & yogurt when you have dairy goats. Of course, they may be dried off now. I'm looking at 4 gal in my frig and only 1 being milked -- although 3 more could be but slacking as their doelings are pretty much done nursing & I don't want more to do right now.:rolleyes: Need to process this milk into cream, cheese, butter, yogurt, whatever! There will be another gallon tomorrow. Guess this is why some like the NDs....less milk. :lol:

Feed prices just keep going up, up, up! I'm not in a high livestock area, so mills are hard to find. And for same reasons, no co-ops. I can get a good mix from a farmer, about 30 miles out, for what equals about $9-9.50 if 50# bag. It's about 18% & he grows his own, low impact chemicals, etc. (he raises dairy cattle, hogs, chickens). I keep a decent mineral mix out & it's 1/3 less than TXC feeds. But there's that drive, scheduling, handling, etc. He uses 55 gal drums (which you buy) with screw on lids. Swap out for pick up or he'll refill ones you have. Then unload from truck with FEL on tractor. Can't take it IN the barn without my hand truck. 400-425# each. Handling issues to consider. :old Winter weather is ok for 2-3 barrels but summer, I don't like to keep that much grain in that "packaging". You juggle time, cost, quality, storage, drive, etc. Oh, my goats love the feed & do well on it.

With weather disasters everywhere, cost will continue to rise. My grass is still growing! :clap

Mike CHS

Herd Master
Mar 18, 2013
Reaction score
Southern Middle TN
Teresa just told me that it is $160 for 1000 pounds and we do pick it up. It's the same price either in bulk (in your barrels) or they bag it up. I'll ask them if they know anyone but we are about to quit feeding once we merge the flocks. We were buying feed in Lawrenceburg which is almost an hour away until we found out about the place just 25 miles south of us from the folks we bought some sheep from.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
I don't grain everyday, every goat. My grass keeps them well. But I do grain at milking, when kidding, nursing, etc. I do give some lesser amounts about 3 times a week as growing kids, keep rumen working, etc., etc. Bucks get eased into and out of some grains during rut. BUT 24 hr pasture & hay available for bad weather and all winter.

Winter it's high quality hay for all, some grains for all does.
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