Latestarter's ramblings/musings/gripes and grumbles.

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Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
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NW Vermont
by the third day it just isn't as appetizing as the first....:)
Frankly I don't find it appetizing the first day either ;)

I guess if you post to a thread, it automatically follows it for you.
Yep. And then when someone posts to a long dead thread, it pops up as something of "interest" for you.


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
Reaction score
NE Texas
So yesterday was a greasy/salty pork, all day meat fest... Over the course of the day I finished the rack of ribs. Today was a carbo-loading day. Doctored up some pasta sauce with hamburger, mushrooms, onions, added spices, and had a nice plate of spaghetti for lunch. Froze three single serve containers of the sauce for later use and have enough left to nicely coat 4 slices of garlic toast for a before bedtime, acid reflux inducing late night wake up later on. :)

After 4 days of compression on my right calf, it has finally shrunk back down to almost normal size. It is still very sore, like a continuous cramp in the calf muscle. I've been massaging it as best I can as well to try and loosen it up. Gonna need to keep it compressed for a while longer to keep it from blowing back up again. Hopefully it will release and become pain free over the coming days. Have been wondering if this is maybe a DVT situation... Not sure what one of those "looks/feels" like or how it represents. Don't particularly like the idea of blood clots moving around in my veins... :confused:

Beginning of the week I need to contact my primary care provider at the VA and ask for the doc to send out another steroid prescription for me as an emergency hold back. The one I just used replaced the last one and was prescribed back in early July. The one previous lasted a year before use. I think it was used in March/April some time. Can't remember. Probably posted here when it happened.


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
Reaction score
NE Texas
Already take low dose every morning. Part of my med regimen.

On a separate note, I have a confirmed 3 adult goats (of 5) that have gone back into heat as a result of the lute shot. I believe one other has as well, but she went actually very fast and was the first, now done. That leaves one left that I'm not sure of. Regardless, the first part of the plan seems to have worked and is now complete. Mid this coming week, I'll lute the younguns, and wait for them to cycle, then start swapping pens and getting ready for RJ's fall extravaganza of breeding.
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Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
Kinda feel bad for RJ... gettin' that blue ball feelin'... Bang and April have both been hanging out over by the buck pen wafting their enticing scent in his direction. He's been trying diligently to get to them through the cattle panel, so far without success. Let's hope it remains so... He and they will get their chance in about 3 weeks. Dot was doing so yesterday. I wasn't quick enough to catch both huzzies over there. April is off to the right having walked out of frame. I believe CC was over there participating earlier as well. The only one I'm not sure about in any way is CB... :hu


Herd Master
Golden Herd Member
Mar 7, 2018
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Well, we got another inch of rain while we were in church. For a whopping total of 6 inches of rain in the past 2 days!

I like your ideas for order forms and sending out a winter news letter with special sales. If the customer picks it up at our farm, I can sell my cheese and fermented foods, like homemade sauerkraut, Kombucha and Kefir.

I will have at least one outlet for my personal care products. Here are just a few of them on my table at farmer's market.
View attachment 52553

View attachment 52554
The lady who owns the local herb shop/health food store, has asked me to sell my personal care products, and chicken eggs in her store once farmers market finishes. :celebrate I'm also planning, to visit the health food store, in Sulphur Springs, to see if they want to sell ny products there, as well. :D

In addition to my news letter, I will also be able to sell through our farmer's market weekly sale. The sale's flier comes out on Monday early (with items being offered that week), and orders have to be placed by late Tuesday. I think they are then picked up on Thursday.

I KNOW! I sure do miss our chats. It will be nice when I have time to chat again.

Do you have a website where people can order your products? That might be something you could look into.


Herd Master
Nov 22, 2014
Reaction score
East Texas - Near Sulphur Springs
Do you have a website where people can order your products? That might be something you could look into.
No. At this time, I intentionally don’t have a website. I’m not set up to send out a lot of orders. For right now, at least, I have plenty to do with local orders. I can advertise product, that I already have made, on the farmer’s market weekly sale page. The items are ordered from Monday through Wed., and delivered on Thursday, during a 2 hour window. I also have at least one store that will sell my products and I will be visiting other stores, to see if they will also sell my products. I doubt, at this stage, in my life, if I will ever have enough time or energy to sell to such a broad a market, as the internet.
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