Latestarter's ramblings/musings/gripes and grumbles.

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Herd Master
Mar 7, 2018
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I don’t know if I can read all 570+ pages of your journal or not. But I wanted to be sure to thank you for your years of service in the Navy. My husband is also retired from the military after 21 years. It take a very strong person to stay in the military that long. You certainly do have a very interesting introduction to your journal. You seem to be on a very interesting journey. Good luck with your future and enjoy the journey.

Read the journal. Its very interesting. LS has alot of good stories. Only took me 4 months to read it. :gig


Herd Master
Nov 22, 2014
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East Texas - Near Sulphur Springs
Eat right, get plenty of sleep, say your prayers, stick your left hand in stump water at midnight while swinging a dead cat around your head with your right hand chanting "I is strong. I is a barn builder. I is a fence builder." It also helps to wear purple underwear. :thumbsup
:lol: :lol: :yuckyuck :lol: :lol:

I’ve told you this before, but you did it again . . . YOU CRACK ME UP!!! :lol: :lol: :gig :lol: :lol:


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
A swamp cooler is a lot less expensive to run since it is basically a small water pump like on an aquarium and a squirrel cage fan attached to a motor by a belt to turn it. It generally has two speeds and since the only time you'd really need/use it would be during the peak heat of the day (when it's very dry and low dew point as well), I'd think it should work pretty well. The squirrel cage fan (depending on the size of the unit you get/build) will push a lot of air. It's the same basic set up as the squirrel cage on a furnace. So if you installed it in an opening near the center of the trailer, then opened windows at either end, I'm sure you could make it like a fridge inside (comparatively speaking) if you wanted.


Herd Master
Nov 22, 2014
Reaction score
East Texas - Near Sulphur Springs
@farmerjan, I am so sorry to hear about all the awful things that are happening in your life and around you!

How awful that your neighbors lost their daughterk in a horrible accident and then a week later her father died in a reenactment accident!

And your friend’s accident, getting hit when pulling a horse trailer! :somad :duc :somad I, too, have no sympathy for people getting injured while driving drunk. My brother was killed by an illegal alien, drunk driver going 80 mph in the city. He was so drunk, he didn’t realize he was running a red light, and never even put his foot on the brake - he broadsided my brother’s car and killed him instantly. But, not before my brother saw him coming! What a horrible way to die. That man’s cousin also died that night, and he only got 7 years, for killing two people. He got deported, but you and I both know he turned around and came right back into the land of opportunity!!! :duc

I’m so sorry to hear about your son’s pain/migraine issues. Too often these days, the insurance companies are allowed to direct healthcare decisions, based solely on their desire to not pay out on an insurance claim, after they think they have paid enough. They don’t care about the patient at all! It’s all about the bottom line. :duc I can’t help but wonder if my Violet’s lotion might not help, if applied to his injury site.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
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Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Thank you to all who sent me "sorry it's been so tough" type messages. @Devonviolet , the farmers daughter who was killed is a family I have watched the kids grow up; :hit:hit but not related to the neighbor killed in the medieval re-enactment accident the following week. :hit Two unrelated things.
But again, thanks to all. I was certainly not trying to evoke sympathy....just venting a little about how I will be glad to see the end of 2018 and hope that 2019 will get better.

On a "lighter note" Had another D$%#D deer run right into me on the way to work on Wed morning....:ep:ep it is dead, and I "only" sustained the loss of a headlight and parking light lens....:somad:somad there are so many deer here that the hunters had better get some...:rant:rantI am tired of having to reduce the population on my way to work. :barnie Got one this spring but it dented the fender and busted part of the grill and all that plastic. :duc Just glad it was the little ranger... Of course I also did blow the engine in the subaru forester in Sept..... 289,000 miles.... but it is being rebuilt and I should have it back an a couple more weeks. :bow Friend of my son likes to work on them, he is rebuilding it.... $1500 or so which is a lot better than buying a newer car.....:th

Hey @Latestarter thanks for letting me "hijack" your thread....

We got some rain yesterday eve and last night. Sprinkles on the way to test cows at 4 a.m. this morning but sun is out now. 2 plus days sun and dry... but rain in forecast for next week. Want to try to get the lawn mowed and some leaves bagged for the chickens for the winter... We hope to try to chop the 14 acres grain sorghum tomorrow and get it bagged for silage for the winter....then get the seed in the ground...????


Herd Master
Jun 3, 2018
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western Arkansas
Seems like it is never ending this year

Miss @farmerjan,

Just now reading your post. I am so sorry for your and your son's troubles. I wish there was something I could do besides offer my sympathy, like come up there and help. You and your son work so hard, and it would seem that should mean something.

What’s a swamp cooler? I’ve never heard that term before.

Miss @Carla D,

My experience with a swamp cooler was from the time I stayed with my grandparents back in the mid 1960s in the summer in northeast Texas, not far from where @Latestarter is now. They had a swamp cooler (also called an evaporative cooler), and it worked great, no matter the outside humidity. Maybe you can see one demonstrated some time. The cooler will need a regular supply of water, so you will need a well pump or some other arrangement to supply water as it consumed from the basin of the cooler.

Senile Texas Aggie

Carla D

True BYH Addict
Oct 26, 2018
Reaction score
Wilson, Wi
Miss @farmerjan,

Just now reading your post. I am so sorry for your and your son's troubles. I wish there was something I could do besides offer my sympathy, like come up there and help. You and your son work so hard, and it would seem that should mean something.

Miss @Carla D,

My experience with a swamp cooler was from the time I stayed with my grandparents back in the mid 1960s in the summer in northeast Texas, not far from where @Latestarter is now. They had a swamp cooler (also called an evaporative cooler), and it worked great, no matter the outside humidity. Maybe you can see one demonstrated some time. The cooler will need a regular supply of water, so you will need a well pump or some other arrangement to supply water as it consumed from the basin of the cooler.

Senile Texas Aggie
Hello STA. Once I figured out they were also called evaporative coolers I looked at Menards, HomeDepot, etc to see if they had them in our area and they do. So they must work this far north. While our cabin doesn’t have plumbing in it yet, we do have a working well and brand new septic system. He just have to redo the plumbing and the electrical in it. I bet my husband can figure out how to have water running to the system without any problem. He seems to be a lot like latestarter. Able to fix anything and a little something about everything, and really good at some of the things. I will definitely look into this. As an evaporative cooler doesn’t hardly cost anymore than a portable room air conditioner in our area and which we used the last two years at the cabin. Thank you for the information.

Mike CHS

Herd Master
Mar 18, 2013
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Southern Middle TN
A fried of mine in Florida had a shop with big double doors on both ends. He put one of those at one end of the shop and let it run while he was milling some wood and didn't use any other tools that day. After that one day he spent several weeks getting the rust off of all of his cast iron machines. It kept the temp nice though. :)
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