Latestarter's ramblings/musings/gripes and grumbles.

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Carla D

True BYH Addict
Oct 26, 2018
Reaction score
Wilson, Wi
Well, I am no longer in possession of a BA roo. While filling the feed trough for them, the roo flogged me and got me good on the right forearm in 3 places. I was bleeding quite well (pressure is obviously adequate). He has attempted to numerous times in the past, and had been schooled about the stupidity of doing so. Very glad (as I was bent over to fill the feed trough from a 5 gal bucket) that he didn't get me in the head/face.

This time he paid with his life.

I always watched him when I opened that enclosure and he appeared to be minding his own biz in the back corner, then came out of nowhere.
I no longer have to worry about entering that enclosure. Since I am not hatching nor selling eggs for same, it's no great loss. I who profess that there's no reason to keep a mean roo, have followed my own advice. Ahhh the many times in my life's past that I wish I had done so...

So, this is life on "the farm" and I don't even have a legitimate farm yet... I have one other "mean" roo who has been schooled several times. The next time he gets big and brave, he'll pass from this life as well. Nothing like a face full of angry feathers, beak and spurs. no more.

Now I need to go out and mow/weed whack and do general yard/pasture stuff before the weather turns to crap later today for the next three days. We need the rain... my grass is brown, but the weeds haven't stopped growing, nor the wild alfalfa, which is almost 2' tall and beginning to flower.
Roo- a bad ass rooster? The only other thing that came to my mind was a kangaroo. But kangaroos aren’t native to the US last time I checked. Nor do the have feathers or a beak and spurs. I’ve never heard a rooster being called a roo before. But, I’m learning you see things differently than the average Joe, you’ve had some interesting experiences, and your terminology/vocabulary has some colorful words in it. I’m loving your story so far. Only 200+ pages to go.

Carla D

True BYH Addict
Oct 26, 2018
Reaction score
Wilson, Wi

Carla D

True BYH Addict
Oct 26, 2018
Reaction score
Wilson, Wi
Thanks everyone. I don't know if this was the right place to spew... Maybe I should journal (privately?) or something... But the feedback is nice and sometimes you just need to get it out. Bruce, when diagnosed at 4 years old, she was put on tegretol... worked so-so for many years till a future doc determined that her epilepsy (being general, non specific with no precursors), tegretol shouldn't work on and was the wrong drug (pre puberty to puberty). So they changed meds. This has continued over 30+ years and there has yet to be a med or combo that will completely control her seizures. As a late teen early 20s young lady, she went over a year with no seizures so we got her a car and she was thrilled... Until she had a seizure behind the wheel and went head on into a boulder. Better than the alternative at the time... over a "cliff" and down into a residential area. So no more driving... at all... unless it's a life or death sit for someone else and she's the only possibility to save them. Anyway...

The reason she wanted to go to Maine was to be near her Grandfather (mom's side) who is in his late 70s now. Her GM died from Alzheimers 4-5 years ago. When she was born to her single mom, they lived with her GPs for her first 4 years and her GF is very special to her. When she discussed these plans with me I pointed out that where she would be going there is virtually no jobs, no public transportation, and she knows the support she'd be able to get from her mom. Her aunts have their own issues that she really does NOT want to get entangled in... nuff said there. Her GF has a new live-in girlfriend (that my daughter likes very much) now spends 1/2 the year in Maine and the other 1/2 in FL. He won't be able to, and shouldn't be asked/expected to "be there" for her like she would need, and is getting older... everyone knows how that story always ends... I know she loves him and misses him. The other alternative would be for her to live in one of the decent sized cities there where she could hopefully be close to a workplace, (Portland/Bangor/Augusta) but then she'd be out of reach of the family she's going there to be near. Anyway, reason I think ruled and she changed her plans. She just resigned her lease for another year. Now that she's actually had a seizure at work, I wonder if her ongoing employment there is compromised...

So... what options am I left with? I can go ahead and move and let her be an "adult" and fend for herself... she's going to have to at some point... we all know how my story is going to end as well. I can stay here (gonna have to find another job, at least part time for the $$... man I do NOT want to do that) and put off any "farm animal" plans for a few more years. Or I can move to a place that will work for me, but is close enough to civilization that she can follow and still have me as a support base if/when needed. I know there's a "master plan" at work for me here... Just wish I knew what it was. And another day begins.
You are a stand up dad!

Carla D

True BYH Addict
Oct 26, 2018
Reaction score
Wilson, Wi
Thanks folks! GMTA! I had every intention of doing exactly that... building a berm as a backstop, but I STILL wouldn't want to be shooting in the direction of another farm/family/pasture/etc if it could be at all avoided. So hopefully there will be some nice dense timber/woods behind the berm to further act as a bullet stop :D
You really are a thinker and planner. There doesn’t seem to be much missing in your quest for the perfect property.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Carla, enjoy the posts! LOL

LS -- I'm thrilled your DS is coming in to help & visit. In about 10 days we should see some does in "their" new home. :D Ahhhh, a son who helps is a wonderful thing!

Uhhh, drink cherry juice, eat cherries, white willow & no organ meats, anchovies, scallops, asparagus, mushrooms, cauliflower, dried beans & peas, etc....until this I over. You'll feel better for it. :)


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
Reaction score
NE Texas
Roo is just short for rooster... The one referred to was indeed a BA, and he died for his transgressions.

So I got up before the crack of dawn this morning to make sure animals were taken care of and to leave plenty of time to drive to Shreveport. Got onto I-20 East and it turned into a danged parking lot. I mean just that... zero movement... after about 30 minutes of that I hit the breakdown lane to get to the next exit so I could move over to 80 East, which parallels I-20 and I could see no back up and vehicles flying east bound. Get over to 80 and start heading east, get just past the next I-20 connection and come to another parking lot. :rant:somad Posted speed is 55... why is THIS road stopped as well. You'd think they had the president coming through or something... Waited there for 15 minutes and at that point was already late for the lab appt so called the number and left a msg that I wasn't going to make my appts due to the blocked east bound roads.

Banged a 180 and started heading back the way I'd come and just for grins, headed to the I-20 connector I had most recently passed and no back up there so continued to the actual overpass and the east bound lanes were clear, so jumped back onto I-20 E and headed to the VA. Got there 45 minutes late for the labs and just about right on time (15 min early) for the actual appointment. Got both accomplished.

Heading home there's a place I need to make a left turn from a 4 lane state hwy to a 2 lane county road and just passed the intersection there's a rail crossing. Well, I get in the left lane and there's no place to turn as traffic is stopped cause there's a train parked blocking the crossing. :somad:he It's not moving at all... After 2 light cycles I bang another 180 and head back to a Subway and get a large club on Italian with bacon added for lunch. I'd really wanted to wait to eat till I got home since I have 1/2 an over roasted turkey in the fridge... But, I figured I had no idea how long that train was going to stay parked there... About 1/2 way through the 1st 1/2 of the sandwich, the train started moving. By the time I was full, there was no further traffic back up and I was able to make the left turn and continue home. There ought to be a law against trains parking like that and blocking main roads. :rant I couldn't finish the sub... too much food... THAT was a first... :confused:

Just glanced out the back window and CC was flirting with RJ through the fence. OK, good enough! Put on the slip ons, went and caught her up and brought her over and put her in with the boys. No hesitation whatsoever... RJ was climbing aboard her as she was trying to walk into his domain. :) He fell off her backside when he was done but I didn't see her arching her back though there was "drippage" coming from the appropriate receptacle... I left her in with him. I'm sure he'll get her at least once between now and dinner when I remove her. So she'll be due about 4/5/2019.
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