Carla D
True BYH Addict
Roo- a bad ass rooster? The only other thing that came to my mind was a kangaroo. But kangaroos aren’t native to the US last time I checked. Nor do the have feathers or a beak and spurs. I’ve never heard a rooster being called a roo before. But, I’m learning you see things differently than the average Joe, you’ve had some interesting experiences, and your terminology/vocabulary has some colorful words in it. I’m loving your story so far. Only 200+ pages to go.Well, I am no longer in possession of a BA roo. While filling the feed trough for them, the roo flogged me and got me good on the right forearm in 3 places. I was bleeding quite well (pressure is obviously adequate). He has attempted to numerous times in the past, and had been schooled about the stupidity of doing so. Very glad (as I was bent over to fill the feed trough from a 5 gal bucket) that he didn't get me in the head/face.
This time he paid with his life.
I always watched him when I opened that enclosure and he appeared to be minding his own biz in the back corner, then came out of nowhere.I no longer have to worry about entering that enclosure. Since I am not hatching nor selling eggs for same, it's no great loss. I who profess that there's no reason to keep a mean roo, have followed my own advice. Ahhh the many times in my life's past that I wish I had done so...
So, this is life on "the farm" and I don't even have a legitimate farm yet... I have one other "mean" roo who has been schooled several times. The next time he gets big and brave, he'll pass from this life as well. Nothing like a face full of angry feathers, beak and spurs. no more.
Now I need to go out and mow/weed whack and do general yard/pasture stuff before the weather turns to crap later today for the next three days. We need the rain... my grass is brown, but the weeds haven't stopped growing, nor the wild alfalfa, which is almost 2' tall and beginning to flower.