Latestarter's ramblings/musings/gripes and grumbles.

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Herd Master
Jun 27, 2017
Reaction score
Capital Region NY
Woke up this am with no serious pain anywhere. Hands and wrists were working and would hurt with any real stress, but worked. The knee was functioning as well. Again, long as no real stress put on it. SO after animal chores this am I came in and reclined until things could dry out from the frost/dew. Headed out after lunch and got all the walls up and completely anchored. Tonight it's only supposed to go down to mid 50s :weee Tomorrow should be low 70s with less wind. I hope to finish the walls completely tomorrow which will leave only the roof to do/finish.
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View attachment 55308

Got tired of eating turkey so went out and picked up dog food for the dogs and a little ceaser's thin crust pepperoni pizza. You get what you pay for... 6 buck's worth.

Goat palace is looking good. Good to hear no serious pain so you can get those walls done soon.


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
I definitely hear ya WH... Glad to hear you're feeling a little better. Having neighbors so close you can see the return address on envelopes sitting on their kitchen counter, from YOUR kitchen window, is something I can never return to. I think at this point the smallest I could realistically "accept" for a permanent living environment would be ~2-3 acres. Enough room for a little privacy, maybe a few animals, a small garden. etc. The thing is I ALSO won't accept lots of zoning, PUD, HOAs, etc laws and restrictions about what I can and can't do.

Joints are a little stiff and sore this am. Already 66° outside with light breezes and a little cloud cover. Discovered the youngest doeling, PB&J now has light scours. Looks similar to what Beauty went through a few days ago. Beauty's was watery, PB&J's is more "syrupy/jellied"... Will keep an eye on her and see if she clears up on her own. She's acting relatively normal and ate well this am.

Dot lost her collar somehow, somewhere, so had to spend another $18 and buy her a new one. When I noticed it was missing, I looked all over the inside of the night pen and couldn't find it there. I kinda looked under the goat mansion but didn't get down on hands and knees to look real deep under there. Thinkin' it's probably out in the pasture someplace.

Did some toenail clipping on Elf and the pullets this morning. Elf's dew claws were very sharp/pointed and could do some serious skin damage when he jumped up. His regular claws were fine from all his mole/vole digging. Chickens claws were getting long enough to turn their toes out. Mel does so much excavating that his claws don't really need trimming.

Gonna head back out shortly and get back to work.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
It's part of farming -- days when the "issues" make you think it is time to toss in the towel.

Then -- you come to your senses o_O -- knowing your could not be content elsewhere, without farm.

ETA: LS you mention smaller. I think of that at times, downsizing. And just say -- hey, remove some fence and just cut grass! I would even consider just haying it. Have a local, on my street, who raises hay! He'd work it if at least 5 acres. I could do close to 10 acres, still have room for me, a couple goats & some chickens, a garden. There are options.
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Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
ETA: LS you mention smaller. I think of that at times, downsizing. And just say -- hey, remove some fence and just cut grass! I would even consider just haying it. Have a local, on my street, who raises hay! He'd work it if at least 5 acres. I could do close to 10 acres, still have room for me, a couple goats & some chickens, a garden. There are options

The only downside to downsizing in that manner is you still have/own the property and all it entails the rest of the year, with little or no return on it, financial and otherwise. Property taxes, appearance, at least some fencing and you don't get the grazing from it for the best part of the growing season. There are plenty of weeds that will come up in cold weather around here...cold hardy weeds that do well in winter. No matter what kind of agreement one might have with someone else, the cold truth is very few people if anyone will take care of your property/pasture etc as good as you will and it becomes troublesome to bear..even just to look at or watch happen.

I have thought about it a lot the last few months and have come to the conclusion that if I'm going to downsize (and I will) it has to be at a different location. I have too much emotional/historic investment (54 yrs of family ownership) in this place to sit & watch what someone else will do with it. (downsizing in my case doesn't necessarily mean less acreage..just less work)


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wstrn Cent Florida
Well all of those issues have been on my plate for a while now, since the situation became so unstable for us....and am in full agreement with several on issues that were mentioned. It would have been very difficult to downsize where we were, but health and age were pushing us further than we could truly keep up. It was very difficult to give up our animals and what we knew as home.....but, now we can have a fresh start on a smaller place and have better knowledge of just what and how many other things we incorporate into a daily issue that will be rarely seen or dealt with here is severe cold and frozen water....however, there are more predators here and a longer period of heat, humidity, and the possibility of hurricanes to be avoided. I have come to accept that my time in the sun is very limited and will be inside in the AC most of the time. It has always been my opinion that when life loses its Joy and Fun it is time to change and find that "happy place" so there can be enjoyment once again.....when ya are in constant stress there can't be any enjoyment of life. This has been my experience and at least for now....I can relax a bit and focus forward. I really wish ya the best Joe and hope that ya can find some real relief from the ya can get back to your enjoyment in life.....even if ya have to limit your dreams in order to have that enjoyment of life.....:)
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