Herd Master
Well, just so y'all can be thankful....I'm sitting in the backyard with Gabbie listening to crickets chirp and getting to'e up with is 74° here right December.....
I just figured out how you kept thoes chickens in that wire pen, they must be smart chickens.....AMMO, so they can read ???So still way too wet today to work on the goat shack. So instead, I replaced the chicken bedding. When I got them, it was on a whim so I just doubled up a tarp and threw down some shavings with a 4' welded wire fence around them in the out bldg. Anyway, that was about 2 months or so ago and 2 are laying with a 3rd about to start. Not sure about #4/#5... Anyway, the shavings had turned to virtually dirt, and they'd shredded the tarp with their dust bathing. The floor under the tarp was wet but luckily they hadn't destroyed the floor. Pulled the tarp and all the bedding out the door, cleaned everything up and put down a sheet of new linoleum and clean shavings for them. They didn't want to leave the carrier so I ended up having to dump them out on the new bedding. Shortly after that, my #1 layer left me a nice fresh egg.
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When I went out to do animal chores at dusk, all the goats were inside their new shelter laying down chewing cud. I guess it's not gonna be an issue getting them to use it when it's finished. I don't think I'll do anything on it tomorrow... Gonna veg and watch football, then get back to it on Monday. While at the home depot buying the linoleum today, I picked up a 5lb box of screws to have enough to finish the walls. Maybe I'll finish the walls tomorrow then start/do the roof on Monday... Hell, I don't know... Guess I'll decide when I wake up and see how I feel.
Well, just so y'all can be thankful....I'm sitting in the backyard with Gabbie listening to crickets chirp and getting to'e up with is 74° here right December.....
Good answer!Guess I'll decide when I wake up and see how I feel.
Kinda the way it is in central Florida! Might want to change your location in your profile.Well, just so y'all can be thankful....I'm sitting in the backyard with Gabbie listening to crickets chirp and getting to'e up with is 74° here right December.....
Unless it's raining, lolGood answer!
Kinda the way it is in central Florida! Might want to change your location in your profile.
Now @Bruce , we are just visitin' til the papers are signed....ya know that chickens before the egg thing and putting a cart before the horse, also..........until I get a permanent address, I'm still a guest.....