Latestarter's ramblings/musings/gripes and grumbles.

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Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
I was on Kodiak, Alaska back in the early 70's in summer and mosquito's were so think it was scary. I guess it is because everything up there is in an accelerated growth mode since the season is so short.
Canada must not be much better. I worked with a man that had taken a guided fishing trip to Great Bear Lake and he said it was the most expensive miserable 3 days he ever spent anywhere, with his last day spent sequestered inside a lodge because of the bugs.


Herd Master
Nov 22, 2014
Reaction score
East Texas - Near Sulphur Springs
Hope you are feeling better. Sounds like you got Wall-Martian's-Disease. It circulates around and around inside those walls. DH and I both think we once got sick from looking at magazines in a doctor's office. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. :he:he:he
I have a “hand sanitizer” bottle, that I keep in my purse. I use it a lot when I am out and about. It has vodka, for the base liquid and about 7 or 8 esseential oils, that are antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial. One day, at farmer’s market, a man took a sniff of it, and said it smells just like “Theives Oil”, that he got from one of the MLM (as in too exensive because you are paying the upline) companies. I went “Huh!” and checked it out online. Sure ‘nuff! Several of the essential oils I use are in the original Theives Oil. So, it really does do the job killing off cold and flu bugs. The key is to use it - and use it again multiple times during the visit to the store(s).

However, something to keep in mind, is that using a sanitizer wipe on door and cart handles isn’t the most important way to avoid getting colds and flu. More important is to keep your immune system strong, by taking certain herbs and supplements (like Vitamin C, Vitamin D3, Schizandra and Astragalus) and eating cultured/fermented foods, like Kefir, Kombucha and fermented (not heated) sauerkraut, to build up the good probiotic (bacteria) in the gut. 80% of the immune system resides in the gut, and if you are putting toxic foods in the gut (which kill the good bacteria) and not replenishing the good bacteria on a daily basis, your immune system will be weak, and your body won’t be able to fight off the virus’ when you are exposed to them.

DISCLAIMER: The above recommedations won’t prevent ALL colds and flu. However, they will minimize your chances of getting them, and will most likely lessen the severity if you do get them.
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