Loving the herd life
nice pics, babies are so cute. looks like you've been busy.
My Annie isn't looking that big, but big enough that she is probably carrying twins. She had triplets for her first freshening, this past June as a 15 month old. One was stillborn, and she raised twins. I didn't think she looked that big then either. Ofcourse she waited to kid memorial weekend when we went away camping for 3 days and I had a 16 year old neighbor boy checking on the farm 3 times a day and doing basic chores. He called, us paniced to say the least. But the hard part was already over, kids were born, and the twins were nursing and doing well.autumnprairie said:I read it all and hope she took this time, My next one is Annie and she is getting bigger and bigger and soon will need a skatboard to move
I always joke with my husband about what kind of dairy goat I would've made. I would drown my poor kids. :/ Just made me laugh because it sounds a lot like me!20kidsonhill said:Mom has a pitifully small udder, but babies seemed satisfied this morning and alert. Husband said, "Yours produced lots of milk, and they aren't very big."This is true, I could easily nurse twin. And my sister did. I had so much milk, I tried to find a place to donate milk, but our area didn't have anything like that.