Overrun with beasties
Just so you know my doe that had the miscarriage last week and was 3 months bred kept coming into heat. So maybe your doe is bred just acting weird. Just a thought I wanted to share.
thank you, I will , keep that in mind. But she was breed 5 1/2 months ago, the first time. I recorded 2 more heats every 21 days and breedings after that. Then the bucks were taken out. then a 2 or 3 months after that the fields were moved around and she was sharing a fence line with the bucks again, is when we noticed that she was in heat again. She would have been 4 months bred, and she was looking open. It didn't surprise me.RPC said:Just so you know my doe that had the miscarriage last week and was 3 months bred kept coming into heat. So maybe your doe is bred just acting weird. Just a thought I wanted to share.
They have some nice looking teats from the back. and they have lots of nice looking teats from the side, I believe out of the 5 new does, Only one of them is 1x1 teated, 3 of them are 2x2 and The doe that just kidded, Macy, is a lovely 3 x2. yes you read that right. We new it when we purchased her and got a big discount on her. Our thought process being, we do a lot with show wethers, so if we end up with poor teated offspring then we will use them for 4H meat shows and they would be terminal. I have no intentions of milking, other than collecting an emergency milk supply that I keep in the freezer for the next kidding season.Melissa'sDreamFarm said:Thanks so much for your reply. You have some nice looking udders and teats on those does. Do you milk any of them? My husband wants me to try to milk Jenny. She's so big compared to our ND and those horns make me think my PVC milk stand won't stand a chance, lol.
But could you image all the wonderful milk I would get and yummy cheese I could make.