Limping doeling -


Overrun with beasties
Feb 18, 2020
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Lol just don't forget goats are drama queens ×10 one of my does i accidently trimmed her hoof a bit to shoot for close to a month she refused to walk on that leg .:ep:lol:.i would catch her using it from the window but if she saw me she would limp then cry like it was killing her lol i would go back in and she was jumping and running like nothing was wrong. The turkey. Lol

Lol! Yes, I have seen the drama from all the goats haha.


Overrun with beasties
Feb 18, 2020
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Better a back leg than a front. They carry more of their weight on the front end. She's young enough that she'll probably heal just fine. Good luck!
Thank you!

She seems so much better today. Wanting out of the pen. Walking and dragging her injured leg, standing up on her hind legs (which makes me so nervous Bc her bone was clean snapped in half).

Mama (Lumos) and Dobby (step-wether-dad) don’t want to leave her in there by herself (she cries when they’re out of sight) so they all just hang out by the barn with the doors open so they can see her in her pen. It’s gonna be a long 6 weeks but worth it if shes Ok at the end of it all.

I’m just counting the days til her follow up Saturday- just want to make sure it’s set right and healing.


Mama Lumos and Baby Bertie hiding her cast. (Don’t mind my makeshift water pot) :)


Overrun with beasties
Feb 18, 2020
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So we went to the vet Saturday for a checkup and they did xrays (for free this time! I think they feel bad for me) just to make sure healing is going well. Everything looked good but Bertie was running a little fever so she got antibiotics and more Banamine. She got a new splint/wrap etc, and the nurse drew a heart (they love her).

She’s been her bouncy self lately just sick of being penned up. Vet said I could wait two weeks before comin back for bandage change- so hopefully that’ll keep costs down.

Mama Lumos and Dobby have been attentive and keeping her company whether she’s in the pen in the barn or the outdoor pen I threw together so she can be around them while they graze and such.

Hope you’re all staying safe and healthy!

Pics below. :)



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Overrun with beasties
Feb 18, 2020
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So it just seems like one thing after another these days. My vet re-wrapped Bertie’s leg last weekend and took xrays- they covered the whole hoof this time whereas the first splint left the front of her hoof exposed to make sure it wasn’t too tight, and had air.

So last week Wednesday/Thursday I called because she dunked it in the water bucket somehow and it was wet and it wasn’t sunny or warm so I didn’t think it’d dry on it’s own- and they told me they didn’t have any available time til SATURDAY (this past Saturday) even though I told her it’s definitely wet and asked if I should try to cut it open so it can dry- she said no. so I go on Saturday for them to rewrap- and her hoof has softened (like a fingernail that has been wet for a long time)


They put some stuff to harden it- wrapped it so it’s exposed this time and it can “dry out”

yesterday, Sunday morning, I checked and her hoof didn’t smell good and looked like a dark, mushy mess. So back to the vet (who told me his office shouldn’t have made me wait til Saturday with a wet bandage) - sigh. He said her hoof May fall off and will regrow-

She had a fever and her leg was also warm where the break is so antibiotics round 2 and some banamine -

This morning her hoof looks pretty gross still, but she’s trying to run jump etc- which is making me nervous bc I feel like she could rip off part or all of her very very soft gooey hoof.

Has anyone had experience with this before??

It’s not hoof rot- he said that looks different and that rinses/etc wouldn’t work or be good for her hoof.

I was pretty upset with them (and myself- I should’ve insisted on going same day, I’m not one to be shy) it’s not cheap or close to go there and it’s not easy especially with work and kids at home and everything closed and covid 19 etc etc. blah.



Overrun with beasties
Feb 18, 2020
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Sigh. Back to the vet tonight for an overnight stay and reassessment of her hoof.


I really feel like they overtightened her splint Saturday after they saw her mushy hoof and for 24 hours she was not getting adequate blood flow until last night when the other doctor replaced and assessed her hoofs deterioration. This pic was Saturday after our vet visit (3pm) . Hoof is still hoof-like.


Next morning, Sunday, half of it seemed darkened but I thought it was the stuff he put on it to help harden it and later it was both sides (above photo) and that’s when I took her in again.

So now we have broken leg, mushy hoof, and potential blood supply issue that they don’t know will return. Oh and fever and potential infection. Oh. and they mentioned amputation tonight. Double sigh.

I am so upset. I feel like I could’ve splinted her broken leg myself and it would’ve been a better outcome than this. But I obviously couldn’t and didn’t.

I want to call them out on how they created this nightmare within a nightmare but waiting bc I don’t want to piss off the people who are supposedly saving my pets quality of life and because I don’t feel like it will change the outcome for Bertie 😔

Getting goats is one of the first things in my life I’ve done solely for myself after caring for and prioritizing others and their dreams and needs. I moved and bought a house that had to be completed gutted bc this neighborhood has no HOA and lots of land for being in the city and I can have goats here. So after Luna and her baby died a couple months ago and now the progression (regression) of Bertie’s leg issues, I feel like giving up. The universe is screaming at me and I just can’t hear it.

Sorry for the Debbie downer vibes.

In peppier news- Bertie couldn’t care less about her leg or hoof. She was trying to run back and forth in her pen all day, jumping, literally bouncing off the walls and yelling at her mom to come back and keep her company when she’d wander off.


Herd Master
Nov 18, 2019
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Idaho panhandle 48th parallel
So sorry for the cascading bad news. Maybe you could have taken care of it yourself, but as you say, that ship has sailed.
I hope Bertie has a turn for the better. I'm glad she is active and behaving like a goat kid, that seems in her favor anyway.


Overrun with beasties
Dec 17, 2019
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Hi friends-

My 5 week old doeling, whom we named Norbert(a) - Bertie for short, cried out the other day (Tuesday) and when I looked outside all the goats (mama and Dobby- the wether) were all startled and just standing there- the doeling was holding up her front leg and looked like she may have slipped (and maybe stepped on?) because she was a bit wet.

View attachment 70476

So I called the vet and they said I could bring her in to do an X-ray but I have racked up over 1000$ in vet bills the last month so I opted to watch her for a day and see if it improved.

I don’t think it’s broken- she doesn’t whine or cry if I “examine” her leg. I can’t keep her penned up all day because she’s nursing and mama wants to be out. They are penned up for about 12 hours though.

Bertie is running eating playing jumping but sometimes just on her three legs but is tenderly putting weight on her hurt leg- limping like someone who has a sprained ankle.

Advice? Take her to the vet just in case? Wrap it? Don’t wrap it? She can extend and retract just fine. No hot spots or swelling that I could see or feel.
Yeah, mine too, her poops were usual, her appetite was good, and she was drinking water while I was out there. Since I didn't note the limp until I was finishing up the treatment of the animal in the morning, I didn't take the thermometer down with me.