Loose mineral..."if it's red, it's dead."


True BYH Addict
Jul 10, 2009
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jlbpooh said:
I haven't heard good things about the Dumor for chicken or goat feed.
When we very first started with goats, we used Dumor for a very, very short period of time.. When I opened the very last bag of it that I ever bought, it smelled just exactly like the inside of a dry bourbon barrel.. I mean...some distiller's grain is one thing, but that's a bit ridiculous. The goats sniffed it and were like "Wait...is this supposed to be food?" Barely would even eat it.

We use Hallway Goat Developer 16 now, from Farmer's Feed Mill in Lexington KY.. It's 16% protein, mixed 2:1 Ca:p, and has added ammonium chloride. It's a really good quality feed, imho.. I pick it up right at the loading dock and....get this...

It's only $7.50 for a 50lb bag.

I know...y'all are jealous, right? :p :gig

I just found out yesterday that they make alfalfa pellets in house, too.. Small, "goat sized" pellets, no other additives, and gauranteed 17% minimum protein. $14 per 50lb bag. TSC charges the same money for "producer's pride" 14% horse-sized alfalfa pellets with added molasses. Needless to say, I'll be switching my bucks to that.. (they started needing some supplemental protein, but after a bout of UC in a buck on correctly formulated grain...I'll never grain bucks again)

Oh...I get 17% layer pellets from Hallway for $11.25, too. :D :woot :weee

Roll farms

Spot Master
Jun 5, 2009
Reaction score
Marion, IN
I get my chicken feed from a local feed mill, they put the oyster shell in it and I just mix it w/ a lil cracked corn and scratch and my birds lay reallllly well. AND it's cheaper than anything we have at TSC...love that part.

When I've run out (like when their mill caught fire last month and they were out for 2 weeks) I've used Dumor and my egg production went wayyyy down. That told me enough then that I'm better off w/ the feed mill stuff.

However...their goat feed is WAY overpriced, so I get a lil stuff here, lil stuff there, and mix my own.
As I learn more, the mix gets better, and the goats look better.

I just really wondered if anyone else had tried ADM feeds / minerals and if so, wanted to hear their input.

Some of our customers LOVE the dumor horse feeds, but the goat and chicken feeds did nothing to impress me...and seem way overpriced.