Tonights dinner is going to be so good! We went to the local butcher and bought 8 filet mignon! Then we went to the bakery which has the BEST cupcakes. Im so excited its going to be so good.
I let the twins out to play and they did not dissapoint for pictures!
Stella says: Hi dad!
She is just a crazy little thing !
Her little nose gets me everytime
Stella got stuck in the duck pool, and this is why I dont leave them unnatended
They were tired when I let them in
Im almost positive Clover is pregnant! I have been thinking I have seen movement on her side for a few weeks now and today I felt like what felt like a little hoof. She has been with Ras since forever so who knows!
Sweet little ones. Happy birthday. Don't rush to grow old... it will come altogether too soon! You can keep the filet mignon... I'll take a ribeye over any other cut. Good thing the water wasn't deeper and you didn't lose the jumping bean to drowning. Glad you're getting to see dad... I'm sure he'll be glad he's getting to see you as well How is his mom, your grandmom doing? I hope I didn't miss you saying at some point...
Clover has confirmed my suspicions and has started developing an udder!
Im thinking a late april lambing!
The twins are thriving and growing like weeds, now that they get to go outside! I often look out to see a brown and white blur flying across the field. They love eachother! Its so cool to see the interactions between lambs as we have only had a single lamb per year.
Stella was having a wipeout in this pic!
Brutus and his big sis/mama-to-be Clover
Stella being friendly
They were brought inside and Stella passed out on her big bro
Rosie nursing both at the same time, what a good mama!
And guess what came in?! Spinning and watching Dr. Pol is the way to go!
And these two being crazy..As always! I apologize about my finger, I was so caught up in their adorableness!