@Ridgetop Thank you for your kind words. I may wether them anyway since it lets me run them with ewe flock. Mr Howell gave me a several year supply of bands. If I let them grow to butcher size on pasture and minimal grain should be fairly cheap meat for family.
Painted Peggy's ram lamb GWR2409 weighs 8.82lbs and ewe lamb GWR2410 weighs 5.28lbs. Both have been tagged and recieved some B Vitamin Complex and Selenium Complex just because.
The family is currently in with weanling lambs in north mini pen and everyone else in south night pen. Hera and Leonidas are on patrol outside the pens.
@Baymule The rest of the driveway is still a disaster, LOL. It can wait until we can rent large equipment. Getting dumpster emptied is mandatory. It's going on 2 weeks old and starting to smell.
So when I came home for lunch GWR2410 ewe lamb was listless and mouth lukewarm. I decided to get some colostrum in her quick since she was about 24hrs old already. She came to work and made my co-workers day.
Since approx 1pm she sucked down 12oz of colostrum and 5oz of @Baymule formula mix. Peggy loves her and stands still. Coconut tries nursing in all the wrong spots though.
Coconut is up to 7.68lbs and pretty perky. I'm letting her spend night with family. I will feed a bottle morning, lunch, and evening tomorrow. She learns which end the milk comes from.
I think once she gains some strength, she will find that test and go to town on it. Good save on whisking her away and feeding her. Now your coworkers know why you have sheep madness!