@Ridgetop No spots, those are streaks of mud. Seem healthy so far.
Aria got a second scoop of grain when I fed everyone else. Is it possible to overfeed a ewe raising triplets? She's on thin side now the babies are out...
Don't overdo the grain right off; so she does not get acidosis from too much grain in her gut...give her a scoop and then maybe 1/2 or so in the evening... then take a week or so, to increase it to 2 scoops,.. or more...... cows can get acidosis from too much grain all at once... changes the rumen ph... and sheep can go off too... once the lambs get taking more milk, then she will need it to produce... and she will be built up to it... Alfalfa pellets are good as they are higher protein AND roughage she will need.
Too much protein will make the manure soft... with cows they get loose from increased protein... watch and adjust... Luckily, lambs start eating "food" faster and more than calves at a younger age, so will be able to get them supplemented sooner so she does not get too thin...
We weighed Aria's triplets this evening at roughly 24hrs old. I'm naming the ewe Sesame.
2412 Sesame.....+0.16 -> 7.4lbs
2413 ram.............+0.00 -> 8.2lbs still alert and warm mouth
2414 ram.............+0.16 -> 7.8
Not sure what exactly triplets should be gaining but as long as they don't go backwards, I'm good? Aria has all she can eat costal hay and 1.25lb evening 14% protein ration. I going to give her ~0.5lb in mornings too.
If she starts getting pulled down by the triplets. Give her a fourth flake of alfalfa morning and night. Gradually increase to a half flake twice a day, plus the free feed coastal.
I weighed the babies again last night. They are all gaining but rams more than the little ewe. I might try giving her supplement bottles?
2412 Sesame...born7.24-> 8.00lbs
2413 ram...........born8.20-> 9.52lbs
2414 ram...........born7.64-> 8.88lbs
Rams gain faster. If she is undersized, you can give her a supplemental bottle, but be careful not to overfeed her. Since she seems to be a healthy weight and gaining, I would wait to see how she does. Is she gaining about the same as ewe lambs you had before? If she is gaining on an average with previous ewe lambs, I wouldn't worry.