Sigh, the boys seem to be out competing Sesame for milk time. Her growth rate has dropped from 0.38lb/day to 0.28lb/day. Time to try supplementing bottle in evenings. I hope she will take it.
If supplementing a bottle doesn't work, I guess it will be time to sell one of the boys as a bottle wether? I want to keep Aria & Ringo's genetics...
I would opt to sell one of the boys as a bottle wether. Putting Sesame on a supplemental bottle will add to the cost and work. We have switched CoCo half and half powder formula and the DIY milk formula. Hope to get the baby on it soon, then just go with the formula powder. I have a bag of formula so it should be cheaper and there are other nutritional supplements in the powder formula. Lambing is done (didn't I say that before the triplets?) so no more bottle babies this year.
Be aware on the lamb milk replacer, to feed it cold. If heated up, it can cause bloat and they die quickly. I mix my homemade formula half with milk replacer to help cut the cost. I tried 1/3 my formula to 2/3 replacer and one of my babies got scours. So back to half. My 3 stinkers are about to be weaned. Spoiled rotten brats. Healthy, good looking lambs, but brats.
This is why analytics are great. I called @Baymule all worried because there was a 2 pound spread in weights. The chart shows the truth. Sesame is going slow and steady. The boys daily gain advantage is dropping.
I will re-weigh on Thursday but I think GWR2412 Sesame has caught up with her smaller brother! GWR2414 is still ahead by 2lbs. Too bad he's only recordable at 75%. I might keep him intact longer and maybe offer as a commercial sire.