I was feeling better so I overdid it, LOL. It was worth it though.
Drove to Walmart and used scooter while picking out new fishing rods. This time I was smart enough to buy a hard sided gun case that rods fit in to keep them safe. Then a nap before walking back to pond to fish.
Dominic with the single catch of the day. I believe it is a green sunfish.
Training new sheep and LGDs to electric netting. Scarf and wetherby both took a zap to forehead and moved away. Poor Leo got it straight to the nose and ran yelping to hide in the trees. I'm happy he got a good zap and cringing at the same time. It's only 7kV so not super hot either.
I think my new solar setup is working okay. The 100W panel only pulling in 18W with full full sun seems a little low. Still that's 10W more that the fencer is pulling out.
Seems low to me, too. I mean, I'd expect more. I'm no solar expert though.
While I have a couple solar boxes, the plug ins have a much stronger hit -- goats are challenging! Not like sheep. I get 12-13 showing on the box. For sure it's set me on my butt with an accidental touch!!
Here is 1st step of my next project, elevating the water tower. Bottom of tote will be even w midline of roof. For this I actually concreted it in.
330gal tote = 2,752lbs
Tote is 40"x48" = 13.33ft2
So live load is 237lb/ft2
American Wood Council span calculator for #2 mixed southern pine gives 2"x8" @ 120lb/ft2 max span of 8'.
Double load, 1/2 span = 4'
Actual span will be 44"= 3'8" to give 2" wiggle room each side to slide tote into frame.