Loving the herd life
@Maggiesdad I've eaten brood and it has caused an allergic reaction on me because I'm allergic to bee stings so I don't think it can be a good idea, I can eat honey normally but react to brood and bee stings. Thanks to that experience is why I reckon selling honey jars with honey comb it it would be best.
For the sake of the conversation I hope I understood what you meant by brood, the bees in the egg and larvae stage if I'm wrong I'll be glad you could explain me.
Yes, you are correct.You sound much like me, with your reactions! I too, have severe local reactions when stung. I have not had an anaphylactic reaction yet . I do have anapylactic reactions when ever I eat any kind of fish or shellfish, so I don't dare eat brood.
I keep my EpiPens handy, plus Benadryl and other antihistamines, though, just in case.
...sending you a pm with some links