Mason Jar Bee Super


Loving the herd life
Dec 21, 2014
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Central Virginia
@Maggiesdad I've eaten brood and it has caused an allergic reaction on me because I'm allergic to bee stings so I don't think it can be a good idea, I can eat honey normally but react to brood and bee stings. Thanks to that experience is why I reckon selling honey jars with honey comb it it would be best.

For the sake of the conversation I hope I understood what you meant by brood, the bees in the egg and larvae stage if I'm wrong I'll be glad you could explain me.

Yes, you are correct.You sound much like me, with your reactions! I too, have severe local reactions when stung. I have not had an anaphylactic reaction yet :fl. I do have anapylactic reactions when ever I eat any kind of fish or shellfish, so I don't dare eat brood.
I keep my EpiPens handy, plus Benadryl and other antihistamines, though, just in case.

...sending you a pm with some links


Chillin' with the herd
Jul 7, 2015
Reaction score
Bogotá, Colombia
@Maggiesdad I haven't had any severe allergic reactions to bee stings or any type of sting, allergic to every kind of bug bite or sting, I'm sorry about your anaphylactic reactions and well you are prepared if anything happens to you which is good, theres a popular saying in Colombia that traduced to English is "It's better to prevent than to regret". I hope I never get an anaphylactic reaction, my mom almost had one but we were really close to a hospital when beekeeping. I would freak out if I start feeling any severe reaction symptoms.

Thanks for the links.


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
I have cut comb from the frame and sucked on it. The honey flavor is incredible! When done, I just spit out the wax ball. I hope that you find a market for your product(s). We have the Africanized Honey Bees (AHBs) here in the US now, but only in the southern most, hot states. We don't have them here where I'm at in Colorado as the winters are too cold for them to survive.

Thankfully I'm not allergic to bee stings, or wasps/hornets etc. But that doesn't mean that they don't hurt! I don't know anyone who claims to enjoy being stung! I do however know several people who capture honey bees and sting themselves to help ease the pain of arthritis. I also believe that there is medicinal benefits to the honey bee venom as well as the honey itself.

I love owning bees... I don't consider myself a "bee keeper" yet as I don't have the experience or knowledge to have earned that title. But I hope to expand to own more hives next year and in future years.


Chillin' with the herd
Jul 7, 2015
Reaction score
Bogotá, Colombia
@Latestarter What you say about AHBs is pretty interesting I personally don't enjoy working with them due to the fact of my personal experience and because I don't believe they have as many benefits as working with Italian bees.

From what I know about honey bee venom is quite little but I do know some medicinal benefits like the one you mentioned for arthritis, my mentor stings himself as you said and doesn't care much about stings but due to the fact that I am allergic I'm cautious about the bees entering my veil or something like that.

I would consider myself a hobby beekeeper if that exists haha I've had bees for about two years now and plan in expanding to 20 hives for the end of this year. How many hives do you have?


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
Ha ha... I have only 2 hives! Hobby indeed! I wish I could afford more, but I'm using Langstroth hives which are very expensive. I believe that I'm going to follow @Maggiesdad 's lead and over the winter I will build several Top Bar hives (TBHs). They are much less expensive and easier to maintain from what I've seen. What type hives are you using?

I completely understand you being cautious around the bees! I have a lot of respect for folks who are allergic to stings, and still own/work with honey bees! They are fascinating insects and so beneficial on so many levels! I don't want to jinx myself, but I have only been stung by a honey bee once, and that was my fault as I "crushed" her against my forearm when I bent my arm up to look closely at a frame.

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