Well, things have been quiet here, but I believe they're about to get interesting.
I have 2 does on deck for kidding. Of course, I have no due dates, that would be waaayyy too easy.
Tonight, my Nubian doe, Oreo, has been moaning and grunting. I felt her ligs at 10, they were gone. So my 12 year old daughter and I gather up the towels and kidding bucket and head out to the barn. Well, we've been checking her every half hour or so and nothing. I just felt her ligs again and I can feel them. I'm going to bed!
Her compadre has also been grunting and groaning, but her ligs feel pretty solid still. For awhile, I thought we might have to stay up all night to deliver them both!
It's 2 am, those girls better just cross their legs and hold it in until 7.
Do you think anyone will notice if I take a pillow and blanket to church????