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- #111
Mini Horses
Herd Master
Simple, no....just fed 2 bottle babes. Trouble would not get from around my legs. I put her butt in a stall. Ya see, while checking noses, found 3 just born kids & she was in middle of my handling that. Geesh, it's 32 ... Dropping to 25. Momma doe wasn't gonna move at night. In back corner of shed, so I rushed some dry, deep hay type bedding onto that wetness, put some cardboard along one corner to block any possible breeze. Hung a battery light for her to handle dryoffs. She was talking to them & answering their whimpers. So, just came in for a few min to let her attach to them & clean. I'll be in/out for next couple hrs.....damn cold night! Hate to have to remove them now, she won't bond & I'd have 3 more to bottle
update tomorrow.