I also for got to mention Phoebe is either in early labor or playing with us. She was walking around yesterday all stiff legged, stretching, holding her tail out stiff and straight behind her. DH checked this am before leaving for work...no kids yet.
don't ya love lambing season. bouncing babies just makes your heart happy. good catch on the ewelings eye hopefully it will stay fixed. just because i'm curious what kind of ducks are those in the stall with the ram lamb and his mama?
I feel much better her eye is (hopefully still) fixed too.
From what i understand it is a genetic thing and they say not to breed those sheep who have that defect. This however the 3rd lamb from Sweetie and the first time we have seen it so we may retain her and breed her anyhow. Sweetie also did not have this defect. Our big ram is actually Sweetie's half brother so he may or may not also carry the defect. We shall see.
@goatgurl those are some dirty pekin ducks who just took a bath in the sheep water.....making me have to change the sheep water for them. The ducks go where ever they want. We also have muscovy and rouen and a mule duck. Those are all left overs from what the eagles/hawks didnt get. The mule duck and possibly some of the pekin we hatched, we are down to i think 6 ducks and 3 or 4 chickens.
I also saw last night that the ram lamb is nursing off sweetie so we will have to make panels to separate the ram lamb and 310 from Sweetie and 2 of 2. Atm we have a wall made of hay bales, stacked 2 high and i am not sure if rose is knocking them down or the sheep...i think maybe both. I saw rose do it but i think that was because i was on the other side. So far no issues with the sheep and rose, she actually seems pretty interested in them.
Interesting on the eyelid. Good observation and good on fixing the problem. I like the instant pens y'all have built. I know, not so instant, but your hard work is showing.
Her eyelid has indeed stayed fixed and the small ulcer is now healed up as well. She is a happy camper and being a lot more active, including in nursing. Both lambs are already eating the pig and sow we are giving the mommas(it's powdered, they also get sheep/goat pellet feed(no copper) and shell corn) and nibbling hay.
The pens are very nice, though the one big one still needs a gate build....some day.
Phoebe still hasnt dropped kids but she is hanging low so should be soon......like within the next month
Next lambing date is tomorrow, so we shall see if someone drops a lamb. The polypay is absolutely huge, i dont know how she is still walking around, if she only has a single i will be shocked. I'm unsure if 245 and 259 are bred or not as they are spring lambs. 308 should be bred but may be bred for later lambing.
Cassiopia is pretty big, she has normally only given singles so she shouldnt be to far off though i didnt notice her dropping much yet. Ivy has the start of a tiny udder. I do not think hazel is bred she has no udder evidence.
I did notice Sweetie is looking pretty skinny, we are going to worm her and see if that helps. She is already getting extra grain and all 3 sheep in the shop have 24/7 access to about 14 bales of hay.
The lambs are doing well and growing fast. The ram lamb got frostbite bad enough on his tail that we were unable to band it and it is a long dock now on it's own. The ewe lamb got her tail banded yesterday, a bit shorter then the ram's but enough to cover her bits still. I hate when people band sheep so they have no cover for their bits.
The polypay still is holding out on dropping her lambs she is absolutely huge. All the goats are still holding out as well phoebe still looks the closest but is definitely full of doe code this year.
Next lambing date should be the 28th, looks like we skipped the 14th. I do not think our two youngest ewe look bred, neither does hazel. I may do a preg check on the two youngest ewe if they dont look like they are progressing any by April.
308 is round but i'm still see no evidence of bagging up on her.