Misfitmorgan's Journal - That Summer Dust


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Pyrenees love.



Herd Master
Feb 26, 2016
Reaction score
Northern Lower Michigan
That's the same kind of looks Rose gives us though hers still have a hint of unsure in them. I look forward to the day that part is gone and she knows she can trust us. When she knows we have her back as much as she has ours.

I was reading up on Pyrs before i got Rose and I found many places saying female Pyrs do not get along and then i saw on Pyr resuce sites where if you had a female Pyr they would refuse to adopt you another female Pyr. Anyone seem this before?

Wehner Homestead

Herd Master
Nov 28, 2017
Reaction score
S Indiana
On the note of female Pyrs...the breeder I'm talking to has four or five females. There are some together depending on if they are with the goats or in with a pen of horses. She doesn't seem to have any issues. I'd have to ask for sure how she introduces them but I think new females are raised there or brought in as pups.

My research seems to show that female Tolis are worse...

Maybe @Southern by choice and @babsbag can help here since they each have several LGDs though I'm not sure Southern has more than one female Toli. I know she has/had more than one female Pyr. Babs has had more than one female Toli...


Herd Master
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
Anderson, CA
I have three female LGDs, one spayed. I only have one PB toli and I can say that I had an ad up on CL for awhile looking for a home for her. My oldest girl is spayed and 1/4 toli and she gets along with everyone but I believe that it is just her way. She is dominant and takes crap for no one and she has a calm menacing way of doing it...she sits on them. I've seen her do it to every dog I have brought here and her own puppies. She is a love and super friendly with people but the dogs leave her alone.

My next one, Mia, is also 1/4 toli and wants to be dominant but is also a tad fearful of that responsibility which can make for some rough water. She doesn't back down easily to my youngest dog, Alondra, but eventually she will submit. Alondra is PB toli and the BOSS. Now that she is older she is bold and brave and in control of her surroundings. But she and Mia have called a truce so all is quiet for now. Alondra will be having pups in about 6 weeks so hoping that that doesn't stir things up too much.

I honestly believe that it is not breed but the temperaments of the dog. Two dominant females will cause problems no matter what the breed.

Wehner Homestead

Herd Master
Nov 28, 2017
Reaction score
S Indiana
This was my first Pyr, Logan. He was a heart dog! Man do I miss him! I can't seem to find any hug pics but he was always on my lap when he could be! He would come in the house daily when I was pregnant and evening sick and put that big head on the bed to check on me. Logan would get a few pets and go back out to guard the farm!


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
I haven't ever just brought a dog home though I did in a round about way being home 8 kittens last year - thats another story - and I only got "the look" and an eye roll! :lol:
I think you were very lucky! 8 of any animal gets snuck in here better be refrigerated and ready to cook. I wasn't real excited when someone dumped a kitten on us last February. Already had 3 cats, more than enough. Can't imagine what I would do if 8 showed up.

Wehner Homestead

Herd Master
Nov 28, 2017
Reaction score
S Indiana
I think you were very lucky! 8 of any animal gets snuck in here better be refrigerated and ready to cook. I wasn't real excited when someone dumped a kitten on us last February. Already had 3 cats, more than enough. Can't imagine what I would do if 8 showed up.

I'll write up the 8 cat story from last year and share on my journal as soon as time allows. :hide


Herd Master
Feb 26, 2016
Reaction score
Northern Lower Michigan
8 cats....DH would kill me.....8 dogs...well we are working up to that, 7 atm. I'm really torn on whether to re-home Stella or not. My only attachment to her is that she was my brothers dog. She listens well but she gets in fights with the other dogs kind of often esp with Kora(who kicks her butt everytime) she sheds like crazy, she keeps going in my bedroom and rolling around on my bed tearing the bedding all off and covering everything in black hair(in fairness i have caught Issac and Kora playing on the bed too). She is food aggressive to the other dogs no matter how much food is there. I dunno i just feel like she would be happier in another home with more kids or less dogs.

We went out and spent some extra time with Rose last night. She is still unsure of us but warms up after 10-15 minutes of petting. It's almost like she forgets who we are between seeing her, she always has to smell us and even then acts like we are going to suddenly kill her for a good while. I'm hoping it's just a matter of time. We did feel her down thru her coat and she is pretty darn skinny. We did get her wormed but DH commented on how she doesnt seem to be eating much. We put down about 5 cups of dog food the night we brought her home and she still had 3 cups down there. She has eaten all of the pork and venison we have given her though. We didnt give her any meat for 2 days in hopes she would eat the dog food but she didnt seem to touch it much. I did also try offering her the food that the house dogs get which is sportmix but she wasnt interested in that dog food either.

Since she did not have meat for two days DH decided to test her for food aggression. He handed her a mostly thawed front leg of venison, let her start to tuck into it and then reached down and took it back. She showed no caring in the world that he took it, so he gave it back again and let her get a couple bites in before poking at the meat and moving it around, again she didnt care and just waited for him to be done. So zero food aggression even with meat which is good.

The goats and sheep are getting either quite fat looking or are pregnant. No udder development yet that i can see on the goats, sheep are to fluffy to see from outside the pen. Tomorrow or thursday is fence raising day since it is suppose to be "warm" so i will get a good look/feel of everyone then. The sheep/goats generally have kids/lambs in February and March so not to much longer, if they are bred. I want to do a prego check but DH would kick my butt for spending the money atm.