Misfitmorgan's Journal - That Summer Dust


Herd Master
Feb 26, 2016
Reaction score
Northern Lower Michigan
I'm so excited!!!

The vet i have been wanting to use took on an new vet and i didnt know it. The new vet specializes in Bovine reporduction.....disease management....and SMALL RUMINANTS!! So with the new vet i hope we can get a farm call done for a herd health check and then use them as our regular vets, esp since their clinic is only 7 miles from my house. They also have room to have animals stay on-site since the clinic is on the vets private 20 acres.


Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
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North Carolina
Females- love 'em but they are what they are.
I do not have two females in the same field- anywhere. Males-yes Females-No
It would be different if a bitch had pups and I kept the pup with her dam and she grew up or an older female bringing in a pup.

She will continue to warm up to you. Takes time, as you know.

So excited you will have a small ruminant vet- now let's just hope it is a good one! :D

You can send in blood to Bio-pry for $4 each for preg check.


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
@Southern by choice didn't address the eating thing, perhaps she will come back and do so.

What little I do know about LGD Pyrs is that they may chow down one day and not eat for 2 or 3. "Here are your 4 cups of food for the day" just doesn't work. Merlin was like that the 3 weeks I had him. If he ate everything, I gave him more. If he didn't eat, I didn't add more food until he had finished what was in his bucket.

I think you'll have to figure her out on that. Also, could be they didn't feed dry food at her prior home? If they did I would surely use the same food at least for awhile so she can gradually get used to something different if you think it is better for her.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
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East Texas
I am so glad that Rose found her home with you and your husband. She will make y'all a fine dog.

Our Pyrs don't always eat, especially when it is hot. When I cook meat, I make dog gravy. WE don't need the gravy, LOL. I use sausage grease, pan grilled steaks juice. Tonight I baked chicken and poured off the fat for the dogs. It is a treat for them and they eat it right up. DH stirs dog gravy into their dry food.


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
I do the same thing for Mel (& used to for Mystie)... He gets all the scraps as well as drippings. I mix it with a portion of dry separate from his regular dog bowl that is always kept filled with dry food. Sometimes he eats every day, and sometimes it's days in between. :hu Luckily, he self regulates so no worries about gorging or starving. I can leave out enough food for several days and with sufficient water, he'd be fine if I have to travel or be away for a bit. Looking forward to future posts and pics of Rose. I just know she's gonna be a real sweetheart for you guys.

Maybe I shouldn't ask, but you haven't mentioned anything in quite a time... How's your mom doing? Hopefully well. :fl


Herd Master
May 22, 2014
Reaction score
so tickled you got rose, she has such a sweet face. she will get to being right at home before you know it. and i'm sorry about mocha. its hard loosing a friend.
I've had LGD's for better than 15 years now and have never kept 2 females together. always a male and a female. have only had 1 pyr in that time but have had toil's and maremma pairs, just works out better for me.
I do like @Baymule and add grease or gravy to their dry food sometimes as a treat. and yes, sometimes mine eat me out of house and home and sometimes they just look at me and go meh.. that's when I pull out the grease or gravy as a bribe. maybe she just needs time to adjust to a different food. and remember since she is in a small area she isn't expending any energy so probably not that hungry.


Herd Master
Feb 26, 2016
Reaction score
Northern Lower Michigan
Females- love 'em but they are what they are.
I do not have two females in the same field- anywhere. Males-yes Females-No
It would be different if a bitch had pups and I kept the pup with her dam and she grew up or an older female bringing in a pup.

She will continue to warm up to you. Takes time, as you know.

So excited you will have a small ruminant vet- now let's just hope it is a good one! :D

You can send in blood to Bio-pry for $4 each for preg check.

Ok so keep other females in separate fields...got it. I would like to divide the goats and sheep into different pasture and i will need a guard for the goats when that happens...so probly get a male.

Yesterday was little strange i went in the shop, Rose was on her hay perch up the rafters but she didnt make a single sound, just looked at me. I talked to her and she decided she wanted to stay up in the hay. I think she may have been hot as it was 38F here yesterday.

I hope the vet is good too! I called and talked to the receptionist yesterday. With the new vet on staff either of the vets will be available 10am-3:30pm Mon-Fri and 11am-5pm Sat for farm calls. They also now have a second mobile large animal/farm call truck.

I never exspected Rose to eat a lot but she didnt even eat much of the venison we gave her. Maybe she is just hot, we went from -14 to 38f and today is 48f so huge temp swing.

My mom is doing ok, signs of her not getting better are there but all and all she is ok considering.

I did pour bacon grease over some food and take it down to her...still no go. I tried that yesterday.


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
My Mel doesn't really care as much for pure grease on his food. I've tried the bacon grease thing and he's just not fond of it... Maybe the particular brand? :idunno No problem... I know now not to do that. His absolute favorite is cleaning up the scraps and juices from a nice rib eye steak. Can't say that I disagree with him there. :drool Actually, come to think, I don't really think it matters so much WHAT the meat is, as long as there's a goodly amount and some added water to make the juices better. He eats almost as well as I do. :confused:

Sara Ranch

Loving the herd life
Jun 27, 2017
Reaction score
My Prys eat everything! They've never left food in their bowls. I feed twice a day and sometimes give them a snack.

I know they had food issues and were underfed at their previous home.

I sometimes take the dogs for a walk (on leash) or let them run in an empty pasture...so they are "off duty" before they are fed. (Please keep in mind that my dogs are adopted and I am the third or fourth home they have known, depending on how you count previous places. I am still working with them to be "on duty" and "protect" and giving them "off duty" time every day.

What works for others may not work for you.

Maybe Rose has some food sensitivities? Is she getting enough water into her body? Have you looked at her poop? Does she get enough sunshine or run time each day? It's hard to know if she does in the shop.

I'm hoping things turn around for Rose and she gains weight! My girl is lean...but no bone skinny like she was when I brought her home.



Herd Master
Feb 26, 2016
Reaction score
Northern Lower Michigan
So Friday DH let Rose and the poultry out because it was sunny in the afternoon even though it was very cold. He stayed outside with her for about an hour, dusk was coming soon so DH decided to go in the house to warm up for awhile. When he got back outside all the poultry except one duck was in the shop and Rose was gone.

He called her and tried to find her but no luck. Rose stayed gone until yesterday early afternoon. We hated every minute of her being gone and I was super happy when I looked out the window and saw her standing by the shop door on Sunday.

I am getting really concerned about her lack of eating. I know you guys are saying that can be normal. Since she has been here she has eaten maybe 4 bites of dog food and probly a pound of meat. We have tried raw meat and cooked meat as well as organs(heart/liver). She has now been offered 3 types of dog food, she doesnt want any of them including the same kind she ate at her old home. Really stumped on how to get her to eat.

@Sara Ranch Rose doesnt seem to drink much water either. We go down and give her fresh water twice a day, even so she maybe drinks a cup or so of water out of each fill. The rest freezes and we have to knock it out of the bowl to re-fill it. She did get her shot and her booster will be a in a couple of weeks then she can go to the vet. Sunshine in northern michigan isnt really a thing in winter though it has been more sunny here lately then is typical for this time of year.

Onto happier news....we had our first lamb born!!! On the 13th number 310 gave birth to a nice large ram lamb.We saw she was bagged up but didnt think she would go this early esp for being a FF. She gave birth sometime between 8-pm-midnight, between checks of course. It was -7 but she had the lamb clean, up on his feet and had fed him already. They were nickering back and forth, this morning she had the lamb out by the hay pile in the sunlight. Poor little lamb was shaking cause he was cold so i made him a lamb coat and DH got it on him. Hopefully he does well. We thought our earliest lambs/kids would be febuary but it seems when they went into early rut some actually got bred. Still hoping for at least one ewe lamb this year. This also means CDT needs to be given now.

In other, other news..... Eva is no more. She was scalded and scrapped on Saturday night then gutted and hung to dry for a week. So this weekend processing will commence, she is going to have a lot of bacon and some really nice hams. Her being gone also means the big girl pen is eating 25% less feed so that always helps. Eva is the last pig we are doing until late spring or early fall.

DH and i have both been sick for going on 2 weeks now and we are getting very worn out by it. Hopefully we get to feeling better soon.