Misfitmorgan's Journal - That Summer Dust

Wehner Homestead

Herd Master
Nov 28, 2017
Reaction score
S Indiana
Wow! I definitely didn’t expect all the bad news when I checked in this morning. That’s beyond sad! I just really wish I could give you a real bear hug but I guess I’ll have to settle for sending a cyber one :hugs.

You had mentioned the wether being rough with the kids...we had a Boer doe that killed another doe’s kid because we let her have it in the pen. He looked laid on too (single). We only figured out what truly happened when the next doe kidded and we happened to witness her being a witch and rescued them. Went back to kidding pens and she got sent to slaughter. Just a thought. I’m very sorry for your loss though. I hope his sister is continuing to get stronger.

That’s wonderful news on Sara’s pigs! I’d want to keep her too! Between being a good mom and having a good temperament, that’s a win-win. Btw the piglets are adorable!! If I was closer, I’d need a pair of barrows! ;):love


Herd Master
Feb 26, 2016
Reaction score
Northern Lower Michigan
Thank you Wehner :hugs

The wether was rough on that boy but only that one time that i ever saw and we were out there a lot lately. This boy was definitely laid on...he was shaped like the ground, which made me even more sad. Now i want to move the two mom goats and their two kids to some place separate, problem is we have no place to move them too. We could put them in the shop but they would beat up the sheep i'm pretty sure. DH mentioned maybe bringing the sheep and lambs out and potting the goats in...i dont like that idea much.

We are happy about Sara's piglets, she did an excellent job.


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wstrn Cent Florida
Sorry for the losses....:hugs
I know has been a whirlwind time with getting the house and land, moving, and settling in....and things will get better as ya work to improve your situation and get things better suited for your operation. Ya have come a looong way in a very short period of time, so don't be too hard on yourself. Sure glad for the little ones to help ease the sadness....things will sure get better and there are Brighter days ahead....:)


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
Echoing what everyone else said, so sorry about all the back to back losses. I couldn't "like" that post... I'm so glad that it wasn't that new doeling that got crushed... That would have really hurt deep considering how much you've put into her and how special she is. Sure hope it all works out and congrats on those cute piglets! I think I'd really want to keep a friendly, good momma sow too. Yup, spring is coming... hopefully not too much farther off for you. I have leaves budding down here. And in the course of a week, I need to mow, but the ground is a sponge and I'm pretty sure even the light lawn tractor would sink in and the blades/deck would clog in no time from the wet growth. o_O Hope the rest of your birthing season goes well.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
What beautiful piglets! I just want to hug and squeeze them! (wearing earplugs) LOL Sara sounds like a keeper, with a great disposition like that and being a good mom, she'd have a place in my barn! You really get $200 for half Hereford boars? At what age? Wow! They must really be popular up there. We paid $175 for the 3/4 Hereford boars we just bought, they are 4 1/2 months old. I thought that was a good deal, they are half way to slaughter. Then I saw Hereford 6 week old piglets for sale at $100 each, that convinced me more that we got a good deal.

Rosie is looking good, healthy and happy. I am glad that she is working out for y'all and i'm happy for her too, that she found such a good home.

I like the name Backfire, he is one handsome hog! It won't be long before you have lots more piglets! I love those Herefords!

When I startle the pigs, they make a barking noise. It is funny. I never heard pigs that bark, but these do. Piper is more bold and barks more that Poodle. Yeah, I know, great names for slaughter pigs, courtesy of our 3 year old grand daughter who is already saying eat the pigs. LOL Do your pigs bark?

Wehner Homestead

Herd Master
Nov 28, 2017
Reaction score
S Indiana
What beautiful piglets! I just want to hug and squeeze them! (wearing earplugs) LOL Sara sounds like a keeper, with a great disposition like that and being a good mom, she'd have a place in my barn! You really get $200 for half Hereford boars? At what age? Wow! They must really be popular up there. We paid $175 for the 3/4 Hereford boars we just bought, they are 4 1/2 months old. I thought that was a good deal, they are half way to slaughter. Then I saw Hereford 6 week old piglets for sale at $100 each, that convinced me more that we got a good deal.

Rosie is looking good, healthy and happy. I am glad that she is working out for y'all and i'm happy for her too, that she found such a good home.

I like the name Backfire, he is one handsome hog! It won't be long before you have lots more piglets! I love those Herefords!

When I startle the pigs, they make a barking noise. It is funny. I never heard pigs that bark, but these do. Piper is more bold and barks more that Poodle. Yeah, I know, great names for slaughter pigs, courtesy of our 3 year old grand daughter who is already saying eat the pigs. LOL Do your pigs bark?

Ours have all “barked” when they get wound up just right. I’ve had pigs do it in the show ring before! Makes for an entertaining show with a lot of exercise for the showman. Lol